2019 polls will be Modi Vs ‘Modi hatao’ brigade: Shah

NEW DELHI, May 26:
Asserting that BJP’s return to power in 2019 is “not a challenge but a certainty”, its president Amit Shah today projected the next Lok Sabha polls as a contest between Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s efforts to “remove corruption and poverty” and the Opposition’s single-point agenda of ‘Modi Hatao’.
On the Modi Government’s fourth anniversary, Shah listed details of its “successes” and heaped scorn on the likely challenge from Rahul Gandhi-led Congress, saying he may have declared himself a prime ministerial candidate but his bid has not got support from even his party colleagues, let alone other opposition leaders.
Projecting Modi as the “most popular and most hardworking prime minister with unending energy”, Shah said he replaced the UPA’s policy paralysis with a policy-driven Government working for the poor and improved economy while also raising the country’s esteem in the world.
Asked about the ‘achche din’ (good days) promised by the BJP-led ruling alliance when it came to power, Shah said the government has “done a lot to fulfil its promises in four years and one year is still left.
The BJP president came down heavily on the Opposition saying a shocking change has happened in the country’s politics with those against the Prime Minister resorting to lies and speaking it loudly all the time.
“This is something new I am seeing and the Opposition seems to have decided to continue with this tactic till the 2019 polls… Its one-point agenda is ‘Modi hatao’ (replace Modi) while the BJP and Modi want to remove disorder, corruption and poverty  to usher in stability and development,” Shah said at a press conference.
Playing down the challenge from a united opposition, he said people are standing by Modi like a rock and the prime minister’s politics of performance will prevail over those promoting politics of dynasty, casteism and appeasement.
Taking on the Congress, which has accused the government of peddling lies and Modi of harming the dignity of his chair, Shah said the BJP is ready for a debate over facts and figures about the Centre’s achievements.
Countering the charges, the BJP president said the honour of the Prime Minister’s chair had hit rock bottom under the Congress-led UPA, as he took a dig at former prime minister Manmohan Singh, remarking that Modi does not need to seek anybody’s permission before taking a decision.
Singh was often accused by critics of being guided by the then Congress president Sonia Gandhi in his decisions.
“The Congress will not decide about the dignity of the prime minister’s chair. People have done it. They have replaced its 14 state governments (with BJP),” he said.
Asked if he saw a challenge from a united opposition or Rahul Gandhi in 2019, Shah said there is no challenge and its return to power is a certainty. (PTI)