22 including 3 pregnant women test +ve

Health officials and relatives getting ready to offer funeral prayers for a 55-year-old man who died due to COVID-19 in Sopore on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Aabid Nabi
Health officials and relatives getting ready to offer funeral prayers for a 55-year-old man who died due to COVID-19 in Sopore on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Aabid Nabi

55-yr old man dies in SKIMS, J&K toll 17

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, May 19: Three pregnant women were among 22 persons who tested positive for COVID-19 in Kashmir while a 55-year old man who was suffering from cancer and had tested Corona positive died at SKIMS hospital this morning, taking the number of corona deaths in Jammu and Kashmir to 17.
A 55-year-old COVID-19 positive man suffering from cancer died at SKIMS Soura today. Hailing from Rafiabad area of Sopore, the man was admitted in the hospital and died due to cardiac arrest this morning. With his death, the number of Corona deaths in Jammu and Kashmir has reached 17 with 15 from Kashmir and two from Jammu.
In Kashmir, 22 persons today tested positive including 11 from Anantnag district, 7 from Kulgam, 2 from Baramulla, one each from Ganderbal and Pulwama.
Medical Superintendent SKIMS Soura Dr Farooq Jan told Excelsior that 1437 samples were processed at SKIMS Path Lab today and nine tested positive with 6 belonging to Kulgam district and one each to Anantnag, Pulwama and Rajouri.
He said that among 6 cases from Kulgam, 4 belonged to Karewa colony in main town Kulgam including 12 year old boy and two men aged 25 and 45 years and 40 year old woman besides 14 and 27-year-old woman from Chattabal Kulgam. He said that they all have travel history.
The other two include 23-year-old man from Tailwani Anantnag with travel history of Gurgaon and 52 year old woman from Reshiepora Pulwama with no travel history.
Nodal Officer GMC Srinagar Dr Salim Khan told Excelsior that 1006 samples were processed at the CD hospital lab today and 13 tested positive while as reports of 60 samples are under process and over 1000 samples were received at the Lab today.
Dr Salim said that among 13 new cases, 9 belonged to Anantnag district while as two are from Baramulla and one each hailed from Ganderbal and Kulgam districts.
Among 13 new cases, 3 are pregnant ladies including 33 year old woman from Kangan in district Ganderbal, 25 year and 34 year old women from Sanglar and Kuthar villages of Anantnag district respectively.
He said that other cases include 41 year old man from Hajabagh Baramulla, 43 year old man from Sopore Baramulla, 24 year old man from Yaripora Kulgam, 29 year old man from Kokernag Anantnag, 30 year old woman from Sheikhgund Anantnag, 35 year old woman from Nowgam in district Anantnag, 20 year old man from Harteng Anantnag, 20 year old man from Wulzan Anantnag, 22 year old woman from Dooru in district Anantnag and 35 year old man from Katriteng in district Anantnag.
The pregnant woman from Kangan delivered at Lal Ded hospital as an emergency case. As she tested positive for COVID-19 after her surgery, she was shifted to MCH SKIMS Bemina for post-operative management.
Army’s Command Hospital Udhampur processed 1756 samples today and two tested positive. One of them is from Anantnag in Kashmir.
Principal SKIMS Medical College Bemina, Dr Reyaz Untoo, told Excelsior that 420 tests were processed at the Path lab of the hospital including 271 from Budgam and 151 from Srinagar. He said that 413 tested negative and there was no positive case. The SKIMS Bemina lab is third COVID-19 testing facility in Kashmir.
As per officials figures, 247 positive cases including three deaths and 87 recoveries are from Anantnag, 169 including five deaths and 96 recoveries are from Srinagar, 166 including one death and nine recoveries are from Kulgam, 137 including one death and 128 recoveries are from Bandipora, 121 including 91 recoveries and four deaths are from Baramulla, 109 including 75 recoveries are from Shopian, 101 including 48 recoveries are from Kupwara, 58 including 30 recoveries and one death are from Budgam, 25 including 15 recoveries are from Ganderbal and 18 including 6 recoveries are from Pulwama.
In J&K, there are 1,19,155 persons under observation while as 31,524 persons have been kept under home quarantine besides that 653 persons are in hospital isolation while as 87 persons are under hospital quarantine. So far 67,319 persons have completed surveillance period and 19,555 persons are under home surveillance besides that so far results of 96,826 samples are available.
So far 96,826 samples were processed in J&K and 95,509 tested negative while as 1317 have been tested positive, among them 653 are active and 647 persons have recovered and 17 persons have died.