2228 Kanals of land retrieved from encroachers in Kupwara

Excelsior Correspondent

KUPWARA, Sept 15: District Development Commissioner Kupwara, Khalid Jahangir convened a meeting of Revenue officers here today to review the progress achieved under Jamabandi 2016-17, anti-encroachment drive and other revenue related matters.
The meeting was attended by SSP Kupwara, ADC Handwara, ACR Kupwara, SDM Lolab, Tehsildars, Naib Tehsildars and other concerned.
The meeting was informed that Jamabandi of 245 villages against total 379 villages in the district has been prepared so far, while as the process of rest of the village is in progress. It was told that Girdawari of 131 villages stands also recorded in the district.
Under anti-encroachment drive, 2228 Kanals of land, both State land and Kahcharie has been retrieved from encroachment in the district since last month, the meeting was informed.
Speaking on the occasion, the DDC impressed upon the officers to speed up the pace of work and ensure that all the 379 villages are covered under Jamabandi 2016-17 within the shortest possible period. He said that the work of Patwaris should properly be monitored on the spot. The DDC also stressed upon the participants to intensify the drive against the encroachments so that all State land and kahcharai land which has been illegally occupied, is retrieved throughout the district. He said that no laxity and negligence will be tolerated in this regard.