3 Assembly sessions

This refers to the news item’Ethics committee recommends 3 Assembly Sessions’ DE June 11.
The decision of the Committee on ethics of Legislative Assembly to conduct three Assembly sessions in a year does not hold much water.
The intentions of the Committee are good keeping in view the maximum public interest, however, three Assembly sessions with do not good to society unless the legislators change their way of conduct.
The last Assembly session almost got wasted as no worthwhile business was conducted. The session did not take away important issue except Afzal Guru case.
Likewise, legislators instead of debating any issue use lung power and muscle power to dominate their opponents. It has become a routine matter for the opposition to troop into well of house and stage a dharna. It is pandemonium all over the House during the sessions.
The two sessions as is the norm now is sufficient to solve the problems of people. Where is guarantee that business could be transacted in the third assembly session.
It would be better if legislators conducts themselves properly and allow business to go smoothly. Therein lies the welfare of the State.
Yours etc….
Anurag Mahajan