3 burglars arrested, Rs 1.15 lakh recovered

Excelsior Correspondent
RAJOURI, Apr 25: Police has solved a theft case which took place at Budhal recently by arresting three people involved in the robbery and recovered Rs 1.15 lakh from them.
According to reports the burglars about one week back had decamped with Rs 1.70 lakh from the Kiryana shop of Mohammed Amin at Budhal and an FIR under No 25 was registered in the Police Station Budhal in this regard.
A police Party led by SHO PS Budhal, Madan Lal today raided the Samote village and arrested three persons involved in the theft. They included Mukhtar Ahmed, son of Munshi Khan of Samote, Sikandar Shah, son of Manzoor Shah and Iftikar Shah son of Ashaq Hussian both residents of Drag. On their sustained interrogation they broke down before the police and admitted that they had committed the theft. The police later recovered Rs 1.15 lakh form their possession. They have been remanded to police custody.