3-day training programme launched by CAD begins

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 5: A three day training programme on “role of pressurized irrigation system in the development of command areas from March 5 to 7 for the officers and officials working in Soil and Water management organized in collaboration with SKUAST Jammu at the Directorate of Command Area Development Talab Tillo begins today.
The programme was inaugurated Shabir Ahmed Bhat, Director Command Area Development Department, Jammu.
In his address Mr Bhat emphasized upon all the participants to equip themselves with the latest guidelines issued by the Ministry of Water Resources (GOI) , Soil Resources and their Conservation for development of Command Area, Planning and Designs of OFD Works, Optimization of land and water resources of R S Pura belt falling under gravity flow of Ranbir Canal, laser leveling, micro irrigation, design and cost estimation of sprinkler system and agronomical practices in different crop etc. This will improve the quality of work and to yield good results in the field to get optimum production of the crops with judicious use or irrigation water for improving the financial condition of the farmers in the Command areas.
He also emphasized upon the participating officers to utilize the services of Engineer N K Gupta senior Scientist, SKUAST –Jammu who is authority on the subject.
The vote of thanks was proposed by A K Dubey, Project Officer CAD.