3 former CMs deprived daughters, sisters of property rights: Dr Jitendra

‘Gender bias continued in J&K for decades’

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 3: Contesting the claim of former Chief Minister and National Conference (NC) patriarch, Dr Farooq Abdullah that abrogation of special status to J&K neither led to development nor elimination of terrorism, Union Minister in PMO with independent charge of North Eastern States, Dr Jitendra Singh today said that a tremendous change has taken place in erstwhile State of J&K after the abrogation of special status last year.
In an interview to a TV channel at New Delhi today, Dr Jitendra Singh said that it was because of this Constitutional anomaly that three former Chief Ministers of erstwhile State deprived their daughters and sisters of property rights in J&K. These CMs remained silent just to remain in power and did not utter a word against this greatest anomaly faced by daughters of J&K marrying outside Jammu and Kashmir, he added.
He said this was one of the greatest achievements for the citizens of J&K who have every reason to make merry on the annulling of Articles 370 and 35 (a) as with its abrogation they have every thing to gain and nothing to lose.
Dr Jitendra Singh, while taking a dig at those who are opposing the abrogation of special status and trying to mislead the people said there are many advantages of the historical decision of Narendra Modi Government taken on August 5 and 6 last year. “Leave aside BJP, Congress or any other political party for that reason there will be no country in the world which will allow corruption to continue without brining a proper law against it”, he added.
The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) had no jurisdiction over J&K with the result the corrupt practices were going on in the erstwhile State unabated, he said, adding that 600 to 800 Central laws were not implemented in J&K owing to the special status.
He said now ABC has full jurisdiction over the J&K as well as Ladakh and Prevention of Corruption Law has been implemented in the J&K under which the bribe giver as well as bribe taker are both offenders and action under law will be taken against the both.
Now ACB has been established in Jammu and soon it will be set up in other districts to maintain a vigil on corrupt practices in the UT and act against such officials or persons under law. Even it has initiated action against the corrupt, he added.
While highlighting the achievements of Central Government decision said there was no place in India except J&K where the child marriage or child abuse was not considered an offence under law. But with the abrogation of special status they will be considered an offence now and people indulging in such practices will be dealt under law, he added.
Dr Jitendra Singh said one fails to understand why the laws passed under Indian Constitution which is one of the best Constitutions of the world, for human welfare and betterment were not implemented in J&K.
Dr Jitendra Singh said it was the drawback of special status that West Pak refugees and Valmiki Samaj could not get the citizenship rights for last 70 years in J&K as the politicians who ruled the erstwhile State deprived them of these rights just for the vote bank.
The Union Minister said in comparison to that I K Gujral and Dr Manmohan Singh who were also the West Pak refugees but settled in other parts of India rose to the level of Prime Ministers but those who settled in J&K were deprived of even citizenship rights and treated as second class people. Gujral and Dr Manmohan Singh were lucky enough that they had not taken refuge in J&K and settled over here, he added.
Taking a jibe at Dr Farooq Abdullah, Dr Jitendra Singh said he considers himself liberal and making such statements does not behold good for him. They (successive governments) never thought it good to do away with the gender bias in J&K which continued for seven decades, he added.