3 Judicial Officers transferred

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 23: Acting Chief Justice of J&K and Ladakh High Court Justice Tashi Rabstan has ordered transfer and posting of three Judicial Officers.

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According to the order issued by Registrar General, Shafeeq Ahmed, Munsiff/Additional Special Mobile Magistrate (T), Jammu, who has been temporarily promoted as Civil Judge (Senior Division), has been transferred and posted against the post of Munsiff, Leave Reserve, High Court Wing, Jammu till such time his adjustment against the post of Civil Judge (Senior Division) is made by the High Court.
Shafiq Mushtaq Lone, Munsiff Sankoo with additional charge of Munsiff Zanskar has been transferred and posted as Munsiff/ Additional Special Mobile Magistrate, Jammu and Deldan Angmo, Munsiff Leave Reserve, High Court Wing Jammu has been transferred and posted as Munsiff Sankoo. She shall also hold the additional charge of Munsiff Zanskar.