Over 3 million online pornographic files deleted in China

BEIJING, Jan 10:  Over 10,000 websites or pages were shut down and three million pornographic files were deleted from internet in China last year as part of a drive to “clean” the country’s online space.
Zhou Huilin, Vice Director of the National Anti- Pornography and Anti-Illegal Publications Office, yesterday said in an interview that the nation’s office work had been “remarkably effective” in 2014.
Authorities shut down more than 10,000 websites or pages containing illegal or harmful information as part of a nationwide campaign to clean up the country’s online environment, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.
Officials also confiscated more than 16 million illegal publications, including over 12 million pirated ones, and handled 212 cases involving fake journalists or media organisations, Zhou said.
China published a list of internet firms allegedly involved in spreading pornography, gambling and violence in December last year. China’s Ministry of Culture also rebuked comic and animated products on 21 websites for containing bloody, terror and violent content.
In July 2014, China shut down over 700 pornographic Web sites and detained 224 suspects. (PTI)