3 Pak Army men injured, ‘Red Kathar’ post destroyed

Sanjeev Pargal

Army jawans retaliate Pakistan firing in Balakote sector.

JAMMU, Aug 26: Three Pakistan Army personnel of 651 Mujahid Regiment were seriously injured as their three posts opposite Sabjian belt of Mandi sector in Poonch district were destroyed in retaliatory firing by the Army today while there was no let up in heavy exchange of firing and shelling between the two sides in Poonch and Rajouri districts.
Official sources told the Excelsior that 651 Mujahid Regiment of Pakistan resorted to heavy firing and shelling in Sabjian belt of Mandi sector in Poonch district at 6 am targeting India’s forward posts and civilian areas. The Pakistani troops rained bullets and mortar shells in one and a half hours long firing.
Indian troops gave an effective reply to the firing. A Pakistani post collapsed in retaliatory firing of the Indian Army in which all three Pakistan Army jawans, who were manning it, were seriously injured. Two ambulances were seen shifting injured Pakistani Army personnel to hospitals, sources said.
After Sabjian, Pakistan Army resorted to heavy firing at Garhi belt in Poonch sector at 12.15 pm today. Several mortars, rockets and bullets fired by the Pakistani troops landed very close to forward Indian posts but there were no casualties or damage. Some of the mortar shells also landed in the forward villages.
Pakistan Army continued pounding of forward Army posts and civilian areas in Garhi belt of Poonch sector till 5 pm. Sources said Pakistan Army was more concentrating on civilian areas as they were trying to force migration of the civil population as this could put pressure on Indian Army to stop retaliation.
However, the civilians in the forward villages were determined not to migrate and stay in their houses to boost morale of the Indian Army irrespective of the fact that eight civilians have so far been injured in Pakistan firing and shelling—seven in Poonch district and one in Keri sector of Rajouri district.
Pakistan Army heavily fired at 13 posts of the Indian Army at Garhi, Sabjian, Hamirpur and Doda battalion area in Poonch district during the day today prompting the troops to retaliate at all the places, leading to heavy exchanges.
In Mendhar and Balakote sectors, Pakistan Army opened firing and shelling four more than six, sources said, adding that mortar shells and rockets fell in forward areas of Basooni, Dharana, Gulat, Dar Galoon, Deri Dabsi, Lanjiot, Pathri etc. Shelling also took place in Mankote sector.
Sources said Red Kathar post of Pakistan Army opposite Deri Dabsi, which had been targeting forward villages, has been destroyed in retaliatory firing by the Indian troops last night. During the past few days, Red Kathar post had fired several mortar shells in the civil areas causing damage to houses and injuries to civilians.
In Manjakote sector of Rajouri district, a mortar shell fell near a house of Fazil Hussain son of Rahmu Khan R/o Kundi, Naika Panjgrain causing early this morning extensive damage to it. After Indian retaliation, Pakistani guns were silenced and no firing or shelling was reported during the day today in Manjakote and Keri sectors. Fazil and his family had a narrow escape in the shelling.
Manjakote and Keri sectors had witnessed heavy shelling and firing since Saturday evening in which a youth was injured at Chiti Bakri in Chingus area of Keri. Manjakote sector borders Balakote sector in Poonch district.
There were no casualties or damage on Indian side during Pakistan Army’s firing and shelling today, sources said.
Meanwhile, people in most of the forward areas in entire Poonch district apart from Manjakote and Keri sectors of Rajouri district were spending sleepless nights due to continued pounding of their villages by the Pakistan Army for past about 20 days.
“Not only we are unable to sleep due to sound of firing and shelling by the Pakistan Army but fear always loomed large on us due to pounding of villages as mortar shells, rockets and UBGL shells continued to land in the villages,’’ the people said. However, they added that braving all odd, they have been staying in their houses.
Meanwhile, Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) authorities have shut down schools in three kilometers belt along the LoC for another week in view of tensions along the LoC, an agency report from Islamabad said.