SRINAGAR, June 14: Inspector General of Police (IGP), Kashmir Vijay Kumar on Tuesday said three Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists, who were killed in recent encounters, were sent from Pakistan to attack the annual Amarnath Yatra, which is scheduled to start this month-end.
Of the three slain terrorists, two were Pakistanis and one was a local.
“#Pakistan based handlers had sent two #Pakistani #terrorists of LeT #terror outfit along with one local terrorist Adil Hussain Mir of Pahalgam #Anantnag, who has been in #Pakistan since 2018 (now all 3 killed), with the intention to attack #Yatra,” the IGP wrote on Twitter.
Mir and another terrorist — identified as Abdullah Goujri, a resident of Pakistan’s Faisalabad — were killed in an encounter at Bemina here on Monday night.
Kumar said the two were among the ultras who had escaped from a Sopore encounter on June 6.
Another Pakistani terrorist — identified as Hanzalla of Lahore — was killed in the Sopore encounter. (Agencies)