33,000 Panchayats yet to be empowered

Neeraj Rohmetra
Jammu, Sept 22: More than an year after nearly 33,000 panchyats came into being as a result of elections held after over three decades, these constitutional bodies are yet to experience the much claimed about ‘empowerment’.
While the Government claimed of having put in place a mechanism to ensure the much talked about ‘devolution of powers’, not much has happened on ground. “While Government orders have been issued and guidelines prepared to oversee the process of devolution, they have remained confined to official papers. Not only that today 4000 Sarpanchs feel that they have little say in all the decisions being taken by the administration in their respective areas”, stated a delegation of Sarpanchs on condition of anonymity.
“Besides several Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) felt that their ‘control’ is at stake due to constitution of these panchayats and have been categorically instructing officials not to pay any heed to any requests of elected Sarpanchs and Panchs in their respective areas”, they added. Ironically, this is happening despite the fact that the Panchayat elections registered a voting percentage of nearly 80 %, which was much more than what witnessed in constituencies of several Legislators during Assembly polls.
The Rural and Panchayati Raj Department had called a meeting of Additional District Development Commissions (ADDCs) of the State, who have been nominated as Nodal officials for the devolution of powers of 14 Departments to the Panchayats in the districts.
“But, in case of most of the works initiated by these respective departments including PHE, Sericulture, Agriculture, Fisheries, Education, Roads and Building there is hardly any say of the Panchayats. Even as per the current rules, there isn’t any legal guarantee involved for consultation with the Panchayat thereby rendering them ineffective”, sources added.
“There have been several instances, where the officials refused to even acknowlege the existence of elected Sarpanchs on the plea that works of these Departments shall be sole perogative of MLAs and concerned Ministers and they should not interfere in the same”, sources added.
“Several Government funded schemes are being implemented in their respective areas, but no official holds any consultations with panchayats, which can play supervisory role to oversee in their implementation”, they said.
As far as financial autonomy of Panchayats is concerned, “after the directions of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah each one of them was provided Rs 1 lakh for development of their areas. Out of this, while nearly Rs 40,000 were spent on purchasing furniture for Panchayat Ghars, the remaining amounts were spent on their renovation”.
Corraborating these facts on ground, Shafiq Mir, who is also Sarpanch of Poshana area located on Mughal Road and is also convenor of Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference — an amalgamation of elected Sarphancs, stated that Panchayats had been virtually rendered defunct. “While the Government claimed that it had initiated process of devolution of all 14 Department functions, they were actually non-existent on ground”. “Besides, there is lot of political interefence in the functioning of panchayats and none of the officials actually recognized them”.
Another sarpanch from Zanger area of Dooru village in Baramulla district of Kashmir voiced similar concerns over the status of panchayats in the area. “The Government has been talking about empowerment of Panchayats, but it is nothing but rehotric. People of the area have expectations from us, but none of the officials is willing to listen to us. There are several schemes of Departments like NREGA, Sanitation, Indira Awas yojna and many others, where we can play a vital role in their implementation. But, we are being totally ignored as of now”.
“In Kashmir, we are actually caught between the militants, who have threatened us and the administration, which has literally dumped us after our election process got over. We had contested elections despite all threats and now Government should take all possible steps to seriously empower us”, he added.
Fasal Alam Wani, general secretary of Thathri Block Sarpanch Association, who is Sarpanch of Chirala Panchayat in Doda district echoing similar views, stated that on ground not much has happened since their election. “We have approached several officials of the district administration at all levels for various developmental activities, but none seemed to be willing to redress our grievances. Today, most of the Panchs and Sarpanchs feel that they committed a mistake by contesting the elections”.
Former National Conference Minister, Nissar Ahmed Khan, who had also constituted a body named All J&K Panchaya Coordination Committee before conduct of Panchayat elections stated that the Panchayats are in infancy and it shall take time for their actual empowerment.
Director, Rural and Panchayati Raj Department, Jammu Shafiq Ahmad when contacted stated that all efforts have been initiated for transfer of powers to Panchayats. “The Sarpanchs are being consulted while implementing several Centrally Sponsored Schemes like NREGA and other rural schemes. At the same time, other departments in consultation with our department have initiated the process of transferring funds to be used in implementing schemes at different levels”.
Director General Accounts and Treasuries, Ravi Mangotra while commenting on the funds transfer process stated that the State Government had issued instructions to avoid any delay in release of funds to the Panchayati Raj Institutions by concerned 14 Departments with which they have recently been empowered.
“The funds are being released on priority basis so that there is no delay in implementation of Government sponsored schemes. The process of release of funds is also being monitored on periodic basis”, he added.
Dilshada Khan, first Director of Panchayati Raj in the State when contacted claimed that all efforts are being made for devolution of powers to Panchayats. “It is a long-term process and the elected Panchayats shall be involved in the development process in their region by all Government Departments”, she added.