Ideological victory for BJP in nationalism debate: Jaitley

Ideological victory for BJP in nationalism debate: Jaitley
Ideological victory for BJP in nationalism debate: Jaitley

NEW DELHI: Vowing to take forward the “ideological battle” on nationalism, Union Minister Arun Jaitley today said BJP has won the first round as people who raised anti-India slogans till now have been forced to say “Jai Hind, if not Bharat mata ki jai”.

Raising the pitch on the issue, Jaitley also took a swipe at Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi who had visited JNU following an event where anti-India slogans had been raised and said, “Some people are questioning the nationalism of Savarkar, who inspired lakhs and crores of countrymen. These very people are attending programmes of those who talk of breaking up India.”

“This is a huge challenge for us. This is a big ideological challenge. We should consider this an ideological battle and I feel we have won its first round. Now people who were raising slogans against the country have started saying they will chant ‘Jai Hind’, if not ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’.

“Atleast they have been said something to convey their allegiance to the country. This was your ideological victory that you forced them to say this,” he said while addressing the Executive Committee meeting of Delhi BJP.

Jaitley said while BJP’s ideology is inspired by nationalism, “it is a strange situation where talking about breaking the country is called freedom of expression. The law or Constitution does not permit this anywhere. And it is happening in the national capital.”

Asking party workers in Delhi to reach out to SCs/STs and women, Jaitley said Government will in the next few days launch the ‘Stand Up India’ scheme where every bank branch will give Rs one crore loans to SC/STs and women to start big ventures and become big entrepreneurs.

In a scathing critique of Congress, the Finance Minister said it was shrinking throughout India and the voters will turn Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s slogan of ‘Congress-free’ India into a reality.

“Modiji once called for a Congress-free India. Congress has already gone out of Arunachal Pradesh. It can lose its government in Uttarakhand any day. In upcoming Kerala and Assam elections there are clear signals that it will wind up. Indian voters will convert Modiji’s slogan for Congress-free India into reality. We are headed in that direction,” Jaitley said.(Agencies)