Bringing corrupt to book

Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department (CAPD) has been in the news for a long time and a slew of charges have been brought against many of its functionaries. But the wheel of justice has been moving so slow that out of scores of functionaries against whom charges of corruption are brought, some have already retired, some have taken voluntary retirement, some are deceased and only a smaller number continues in service. The proceedings against these functionaries has been slow, non-serious and of least priority. The reason is that corruption in the department has been widespread and it had extended its tentacles far and wide.
The Minister in charge has given a formal statement on the treatment meted out to the alleged corrupt functionaries of the department. In all 85 functionaries are facing investigation by the Vigilance Organization and the Crime Branch of the State Police Department for charges of embezzlement and corruption etc.
We have dealt with this subject a number of times. But there is no denying the fact that the investigating agencies, be it the department or the Vigilance organization, both have been soft paddling with the issue. This mega case of corruption has been hanging fire for last one decade and half. What justice can be done if the case is protracted to more than a decade? After the expiry of a long time, investigation in many cases is still going on and nobody knows when it will be completed. This case should be an eye opener for the Government and the vigilance organization and can be a good example for amending our standing rules that deal with corruption and allied crimes.
This department needs to be overhauled and dead wood thrown out. New and fresh blood needs to be injected into its veins. It has failed to serve the purpose for which it was created and nepotism is rampant in it.