Thursday, 30th June, 2016

Aries : Today nostalgia tinges your mood, and this reflects in your dealings at work, where others see your softer side. You even spend carefully, seeming to be wiser regarding your savings. Ganesha sees profits for cashiers and money lenders.

Taurus : This day you will be compelled to be resigned to your fate. Ganesha does not see your own will power in operation today. Though you would be surrendering yourself to the whims of destiny, do not expect anything good to come out of it. You are likely to take wrong decisions and go of course. This is one of those days when you are liable to feel extremely lost and lonely. Have no fears. The day will pass, like any other day.

Gemini : A progressive day awaits you. However, you need to keep yourself in check when enjoying yourself. You will spend time with your friends and family and bond emotionally. Do not neglect your family members in the group activities that you take up, says Ganesha.

Cancer : Your strange and unconventional behaviour doesn’t always go down well with many people. If you think you are different, and maybe even better than others, it is advisable that you keep it under the wraps. The reason being that most people may not be able to understand you. Some may even feel intimidated by you. It would be a good idea for you to share your uniqueness only with ‘liberal’ friends, says Ganesha.

Leo : Today there is a chance that you will meet that special someone that you have been waiting for all your life. You may possibly give your partner a beautiful gift. You will be more inclined towards the arts and will be able to exhibit this new-found appreciation to the max, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Financial affairs will face a major obstruction today. Ganesha advises you to allow your mind to prevail over your heart. Take extraordinary care of your precious personal possessions, apart from your legal duties and new projects keeping in view their long-term effect on your mind.

Libra : Ganesha says that that this is the right time to enhance your personality and prove your talents to the world. Today you will be able to buy new clothes too. It is essential that you pay attention to people close to you. Today is the day you will spend in your dream world.

Scorpio : The day does not begin on a very good note as you seem to be in a belligerent mood. Be calm and patient as your hot temper may spoil a good deal. Limit your conversations and discussions with colleagues and friends, advises Ganesha. Practising meditation and yoga will bring you some respite towards the end of the day.

Sagittarius : It’s time for you to sit back, relax and let your actions do the talking. After all, actions speak louder than words, they say. You will also wrap up with all the pending tasks today, says Ganesha. You play an important role in resolving troubles, either for yourself or for others.

Capricorn : Confidence is the key to unlock the doors of success. Today, with your positive attitude you will mark your presence and come one step closer to success, says Ganesha. You’re not a carefree person. You value your achievements and make every decision wisely. Adding to your confidence will be your strong determination and fate, and with the help of all of them, you will realise your dreams today, predicts Ganesha.

Aquarius : Get ready for a gala evening as you will party at the smallest excuse! You may toast a friend’s success, or may be ecstatic about finding your lost pet. Otherwise it’s the usual, says Ganesha. You plan a bit and march ahead successfully in your business or profession.

Pisces : Confusion and uncertainty will linger like dark clouds in today’s sky which will rain on your decision making parade and make it hard for you to find tangible solutions to problems. Steer clear of controversy and try and delay any important decisions and stick to your daily routine, advises Ganesha. If you can isolate yourself and find time to spend in solitude to mull over your problems, then you might be better equipped to make the right choices.