4-day Reorientation & Training Workshop on NVBDCP begins

Director Health Services Jammu delivering inaugural address at NVBDCP workshop on Wednesday.
Director Health Services Jammu delivering inaugural address at NVBDCP workshop on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 9: Director General Family Welfare, MCH and Immunization and Director Health Services Jammu Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman today inaugurated 4-Day Reorientation and Training Workshop on National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), here at Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar Jammu,
Medical Officers of all districts of Jammu Division and Post Graduate students from Department of Community Medicine GMC Srinagar are participating in the training workshop, which has been organised by State Malariologist/ State Program Manager NVBDCP,
The Resource Persons are Public Health functionaries and faculty members of Departments of Community Medicine, Medicine, Microbiology and Paediatrics Govt Medical College Jammu.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman said that the Re-orientation and Training Workshop will greatly help the Medical professionals in controlling Vector Borne disease. He also assured all possible help from the Directorate of Health and Family Welfare in organizing such workshops.