40 more swine flu deaths; Govt orders more drugs, testing kits

Swine flu deaths in the country continued unabated with 40 more people perishing as the toll reached 743 and the number of H1N1 cases inched towards the 12000 mark even as the Government today ordered additional testing kits and Oseltamivir drugs to tackle the virus.
The Union Health Ministry was also procuring 2000 swine flu vaccines especially for the healthcare workers who are at maximum risk of catching swine flu from infected patients.
States like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra and Telangana witnessed a rise in number of swine flu cases and the figure of those infected with H1N1 virus stands at 11955 till February 19, according to Union Health Ministry.
“We have placed orders for procuring swine flu testing kits worth Rs 84 lakh and Tamiflu tablets and syrup estimated to be Rs 30 lakh to keep stocks of medicines. There is no dearth of medicines and hospitals were equipped to deal with the disease,” said a senior Union Health Ministry official.
Meanwhile, Union Minister J P Nadda also reviewed H1N1 situation in Uttar Pradesh and offered all central assistance as requested by the state, an official release said.
The State Government assured that necessary steps have been taken and stock of medicines, testing facilities, masks etc., are in adequate quantity, it added.
Concerned over the upsurge in cases, Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth had chaired a high-level meeting yesterday during which he asked the states to ensure setting up of necessary helplines and round-the-clock functioning of outbreak monitoring cells. (AGENCIES)