4000 kanals land scam

While the need is to unearth the entire scam, its nuts and bolts, the involvement of whom and at what levels as also who were the beneficiaries of the loot involving 4000 kanals of prime land in Nandani and adjoining areas in Jammu , full details have still not surfaced. Has all this been done intentionally and has the Crime Branch really burnt its midnight oil and overworked as was expected from it looking to the magnitude, manner and the extent of the fraud ? Even a decade of a long period should prove to be too little to it to zero in on the core culprits and identify and expose them in its report slated to be filed before the court? Have the requisite details of the scam been listed and if not, what does filing of reports in the Court mean when such reports are half baked and not pin pointing all about the perpetrators of the scam ? The fact of the matter is that the report filed in the court is termed as ”final report” which has been rejected by the Special Judge Anti Corruption Jammu . Not only that the said report has been rejected but strictures too have been passed against the Crime Branch by the court. However, the court has been considerate in that having granted a period of three more months to the Crime Branch to ”unearth all the facts and expose all the beneficiaries.” The cancer of corruption, instead of showing any signs of getting subdued is, in fact, becoming more stubborn and unyielding with the same impunity as with the high spirits of promoting and strengthening it all by the perpetrators and their protectors. That should be really a cause of great concern. The crux of the investigations in respect of the three FIRs registered by the Crime Branch in early 2012 , should be to know precisely all about ”who, how and when ” of the massive scam involving hundreds of crores of Rupees. Crime Branch should ensure that such a colossal scam where such public figures as former Cabinet Ministers are suspected to be involved, does not ultimately slip into perpetual state of a sort of dubiousness , deliberately created confusion, and uncertainty. That is why , the court has impressed upon the need to be of putting in place ”a full time specialised agency”. Such an agency obviously can have its own personnel, cadre and necessary infrastructure to deal with ”white collar crimes ” and systematic frauds in the Government offices. It is a sad commentary on how one of the senior Cabinet Ministers in the erstwhile State Governments naming whom would meet the ends of unravelling the mystery of how the scam took place , had been the chief beneficiary. It is public property and its wanton loot cannot and should not be allowed to go without getting severely punished and penalised too monetarily in terms of rent payable all the years of illegal “Qabza”. Agrarian Rules , probity, honesty, morality and the like have all been thrown to winds while conducting the entire shoddy grabbing of this public land. We hope within three months time of extension generously granted by the court to the Crime Branch for thorough investigation , court’s orders shall be shown due regard and full compliance by the Crime Branch.