Stone pelting

In a democracy people have a right to demonstrate, agitate or observe hartals to give vent to their genuine grievances to attract the attention of the Government. There is no doubt about it that any kind of human rights violation is not at all acceptable to any society, be it at the hands of militants, anti social elements or the security forces. But at a time when the State economy is at stake and the common man is suffering, the agitation and hartals need to be kept within limits in the best interest of the common masses.
A new trend that has become a matter of concern is well planned stone pelting on security forces, their camps and J&K police. As we know  “every action has its equal and opposite reaction.’
One wonders why the sympathisers, handlers and so called self styled leaders call stone pelters as “Nihetay Begunah” (peaceful protesters).
As a fact of  matter stone pelting by thousands of protesters at a time is more dangerous and fatal than a bullet or a handgranade etc.
Yours etc…
Avtar Krishan Razdan
Lale-Da- Bagh, Jammu