PM concerned over Kashmir, assured agenda of alliance will be implemented: Mehbooba

The Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Ms. Mehbooba Mufti meeting the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on August 27, 2016.

NEW DELHI : Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today said Prime Minister Narendra Modi was very much concerned over the situation in the valley and has assured her that the agenda of alliance between PDP and ruling BJP in the state would be implemented to bring an end to violence in the State.
Talking to reporters after meeting the Prime Minister here, Ms Mufti said that she had conveyed to the Prime Minister that the agenda on which her party went for an alliance with the BJP was not followed.
”The Prime Minister assured me that the agenda will be implemented, and I hope that it would lead to peace in Kashmir,” she said.
This was her first meeting with the Prime Minister after the unrest broke out in the valley. Earlier, Mr Modi had met an Opposition delegation from Kashmir led by National Conference leader Omar Abdullah.
Ms Mufti also blamed Pakistan for fuelling unrest in the valley, which has been on the boil ever since the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani.
She praised the Prime Minister and Home Minister Rajnath Singh for taking initiatives to enagage Pakisatn.
She said 95 per cent people of Kashmir wanted peace, and those who were instigating violence were just five per cent.
”The kids who are being egged on to indulge in acts of violence are from poor families. It is they who are being killed, not those whose wards were instigating violence,” she said .
Ms Mufti favoured talks with everyone, and appealed to separatists to help in saving the lives of Kashmiri youth.
The Chief Minister demanded creation of an organised institution for engagement with the people of Kashmir.
“The bloodshed has to stop at any cost,” she said. “The Prime Minister like all of us is very concerned with the situation in Jammu and Kashmir,” the Chief Minister said.
She underlined that the situation in her state had been bad since 2008, and the previous UPA Government ignored it, but the Prime Minister was now trying to resolve the situation.
Asked when the all-party delegation would be going to Kashmir, Ms Mufti said that it might happen a week or ten days’ time.
Ms Mufti’s meeting wit Mr Modi after the Home Minister’s two-day visit to Kashmir is being seen as the fresh push from the Centre to reach out to the people of Kashmir to bring an end to unrest that has claimed around 70 lives so far besides leaving thousands injured.
The Prime Minister in his meeting with the Kashmir Opposition parties had said ”Whether the lives lost are of our youth, security personnel or police, it distresses us.’
Appealing for restoration of normalcy, the Prime Minister had said there had to be a dialogue and everybody needs to find a permanent solution to the problem within. (AGENCIES)