Bank loots

Two instances of bank loots by militants/masked armed gangsters in last two days have happened. Four masked gunmen looted over Rs 12 lakh from Jammu and Kashmir Bank in Central Kashmir’s Budgam district. In another report police said that unidentified persons looted over Rs 34 lakh from a Jammu and Kashmir Bank branch in Kishtwar district. On receipt of these reports, the Union Home Ministry has issued instructions to the State Government to beef up security of the banks, ATMs and the vans carrying cash to the banks and ATMs. Obviously, security will be tightened and recurrence of loot of banks will be stopped.
Evidently, the militants have begun to loot the banks at gun point because their funding sources have dried up as a result of demonetizing of bigger currency notes. It will be noted that the first impact of demonetization was that stone throwers disappeared in thin air overnight. Kashmir militancy is run through fake currency notes printed by Government press in Lahore and Karachi. Those sources have dried up for Kashmir seditionists and traitors.