Parliament logjam

The month long winter session of Parliament which began on November 16, seems to be heading for another washout  session. It is very dismaying that the Opposition political parties have made it a point of prestige not to allow functioning of Parliament which was supposed to debate very important issues facing the country particularly surgical strikes and increase in militant activities in the country.
But the scence changed drastically after Government announced demonetisation  of currency notes of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 denomination.
One witnesses whole day pendemonium in both the houses over demonetisation issue. It is the interest of the nation that all political  parties discuss issues in Parliament instead of streets. All the States of the country are facing on or the other problem which needs to be discussed on priority basis before these may pose threat to unity and integrity of the country.
The politicians need to be reminded that it costs nation around 600 crores per year for running Parliament. Therefore, the country cannot afford another wash out session.
Yours etc…
Sunil Sharma