4th LPU Alumni reunion of Jammu Chapter held

Alumni of LPU participating in reunion at Jammu.
Alumni of LPU participating in reunion at Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent

JALANDHAR, Sept 27:  Alumni Association at Lovely Professional University organized the 4th LPU Alumni Reunion of the Jammu chapter, at Jammu today.
Well-settled hundreds of miles away from their alma mater, LPU alumni gathered in Jammu for a nostalgic evening of reconnecting and reminiscing. The programme was joined by alumni working at coveted posts with top-notch private and Government organisations including Radio Mirchi, Samsung and others along with alumni entrepreneurs who are running their successful ventures in city. Alumni spent quality time hearing more about their alma mater, cherishing the campus time spent with batch mates and sharing stories of their struggles and successes.
The programme included ‘Career Opportunities and IT related QA Session; Alumni success stories, experience and adjusting with cultural differences and immigration related issues; fun activities; suggestions and feedback; and networking dinner with Live music. The alumni of LPU who could not attend their convocation at the University Campus were facilitated and conferred the degrees.
Expressing his happiness over the brightening way LPU alumni are holding aloft LPU flag & wisdom throughout the world, LPU Chancellor Ashok Mittal said: “We feel proud that LPU has become the only private university in India to get the honour of hosting PM Narendra Modi during the world’s largest Science Event, Indian Science Congress 2019 that was held at LPU campus. This year again, LPU has achieved an unbeatable placement record with its students working at top brands across the globe.”
Gaurav Gupta, Deputy Director, LPU Alumni Association shared: “Alumni reunions bring out interesting and inspirational success stories of LPU Alumni. It is always a great experience to organize these programmes at different places and reunite old friends.”
Illustrative, similar LPU alumni reunions were organized in almost all parts of India including in Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Delhi, Ludhiana, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Kohima.
Sharing her success story, one of the LPU alumni Upasana Mahajan, who is presently Powerlifter in Indian Powerlifting Team with National Rank 3, tells: “I graduated from LPU and soon got an opportunity to start my career. I want to advise LPU students that success is an evolving formula; not driven by fate, chance or luck; and, it is just execution. I am thankful to LPU for tinkering me well.”
Some of the other illustrious alumni who shared their success sagas included Shwetima Jamwal (Radio Jockey at Radio Mirchi 98.3), Bharat Gupta (Tech Lead at Samsung), and Kunal Gupta (Pharma Distributor).