5 militants of Hizb, JeM killed in South Kashmir

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, May 31: Five militants were killed in two separate gun battles in South Kashmir’s Shopian and Pulwama districts today.
Security forces today cordoned off village Dragad in Sugan area of district Shopian this morning after credible input about presence of militants in the village.
As the security forces were conducting searches, the militants fired at them leading to a gun battle in which two militants of Hizbul Mujahideen were killed. They have been identified as Abid Manzoor Magray alias Saju son of Manzoor Ahmad Magray of Nowpora Pulwama and Hilal Ahmad Bhat of Aarmullah Pulwama.

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Another body was recovered from the encounter site which has been identified as that of Jasim Rashid Shah of Malnad Zainapora. He was missing from his home since yesterday.
The bodies of the trio were taken to Zainapora police station for further necessary formalities and after medico-legal formalities they were handed over to their respective families for last rites.
Police said that Abid and Manzoor were wanted by law for their complicity in a series of militancy related incidents and attacks on security establishments and civilian atrocities.
According to the police records, Abid had a history of militancy records since 2016. “Abid was part of groups involved in planning and executing series of terror attacks in the area and many other civilian atrocities. Several terror crime cases were registered against him. He was involved in case FIR No 509/2016 pertaining to terror attack at Litter, Case FIR No. 281/2016 regarding weapon snatching at Gudbug Guard, Case FIR No. 19/2018 pertaining to firing on PP Lassipora, Case FIR No. 35/2018 about firing on patrolling party at Alaipora Lassipora, Case FIR No. 45/2018 regarding to theft of vehicle, Case FIR No.. 304/2013 pertaining to kidnapping of a girl and several other criminal cases”, a police spokesman said.
“Similarly, Manzoor was also involved in several terror attacks on security establishments in the area. Many terror crime cases were also registered against him”, police said.
“Jasim, as per the records and inputs available with police coupled with the family version was missing since yesterday afternoon and was part of this group”, Police said.
Police said that incriminating materials including arms and ammunition was recovered from the site of encounter.
Clashes broke out at Dragad Sugan during the encounter after youth pelted stones on the security forces to disrupt the operation. Security forces fired teargas and pellets to disperse the protesters. Over a dozen protesters were injured and seven were admitted to hospital with pellet injury.
Two militants of Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) were killed in another encounter that broke out in Nanar village of Midoora in Awantipora area of South Kashmir in Pulwama district this afternoon.
A joint team of Army’s 42 Rashtriya Rifles, Special Operations Group (SOG) of Jammu and Kashmir Police and CRPF cordoned off village Nanar Midoora area of Tral following specific information about the presence of some militants in the area.
As security forces intensified the searches, militants hiding in the area opened firing, leading to a gunfight in which two militants were killed. Bodies of both the militants have been recovered and their identities are being ascertained. One of them is said to be local and another foreigner.