5 Ways You Can Pay For Kitchen Repairs When Short on Cash

The kitchen is one of the key rooms in your house and it can make life very difficult when something breaks or goes wrong and you need to find the cash to get it fixed as quickly as possible.

One way of addressing the problem of not having the spare cash to hand that you need to pay for the repairs is to apply easy credit online so that you can get your kitchen up and running again almost straight away.

That is one option to consider, and here are some suggestions to help you decide the best way to finance the kitchen repairs that won’t wait.

Create a repair fund

It is always a good idea to try and learn from your past mistakes when it comes to finances and a bit of planning can go a long way to getting you out of a tight spot if you can anticipate a potential problem before it happens.

It might not be any good right now if you need the cash but it is worth saying that if you can set aside a modest amount each month from your monthly income and put it into a specific emergency fund savings account it could save you on borrowing costs.

If you build up a pot of money in the account it will allow you to pay for the repairs and then put the money back by building up the fund again with your monthly contributions.

An easy way to pay later

Another option that is worth considering is the ePayLater app, which allows you to order something like a replacement part that you need straight away but pays the bill in 14 days’ time without it costing you any finance charges.

This two-week deferment could be just the breathing space you need to get your repair done and get the cash together to pay the bill when its due after the 14-day period has expired.

Pay with your credit card

Paying for a repair using your credit card might seem like a quick and easy way to resolve an emergency situation but the issue with building debt on your card is that the cost of borrowing could get expensive if you don’t repay the full amount when the statement arrives.

If you know that you can pay the full amount you have borrowed on the credit card when the bill comes in it could be a solution to your emergency repair problem, but the temptation to take longer to repay what you borrowed could get expensive.

Personal loan

Depending on the amount of cash you need to find you could consider applying for a personal loan.

It might take a while to find the right deal and the cost of borrowing could be prohibitive if you can’t get a loan at an attractive interest rate charge.

If the kitchen repair costs are higher than anticipated it might be an option to consider but for minor repairs, there are probably better solutions and alternatives.

Sell something

The solution to your temporary financial problem could be staring at you.

If you need to raise some cash in a hurry it is worth taking a look around your home to see if there are some items that you no longer need or want, which you can sell quickly to pay for the repairs.

If you need to do some kitchen repairs in a hurry, one of these options might provide the solution you are looking for.