NEW DELHI: Shiv Sena MP Chandrakant Khaire today said in the Lok Sabha that India should give a “befitting reply” to Pakistan for terror attacks in this country, like the recent one on Amarnath pilgrims in Kashmir.
Raising the issue during Zero Hour, he said the killing of 8 pilgrims in the July 10 terror attack in Anantnag showed that there was a “security failure”.
Khaire said every year a “cloud of terror” hovers over the Amarnath pilgrimage.
“There are terror camps active in Pakistan from where attacks are launched in India. This should not be tolerated… Time has come to give a befitting reply to Pakistan,” said Khaire, whose party is a constituent of the NDA government.
He said that government should ensure the safety and security of the Amarnath pilgrims. (AGENCIES)