Swami Ram Swarup
I wish to display the same honour and respect towards the pious slogan of Vande Mataram as was rendered by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians,
Parsis, Jains etc. i.e. all the sections ofsociety, in the strugglefor freedom.
The slogan of Vande Mataram has been the symbol of unity, security, non-violence, brotherhood and several pious qualities during freedom struggle. Then why can’t it symbolize the same qualities at present also?
Now, it is our moral duty to find out the reason for not following VandeMataram by all citizens; to destroy the same in the interest of unity of India.It may also be possible that most of the people do not know the meaning of sucha beautiful poetry. So, it is mentioned below-
Vande=adore/worship/ regard, Mataram= mother.
In Sanskrit, there is a root word(dhatu) “Vand”. When it is applied for oneself then it becomes Vande,which means I bow, pay obeisance, eulogize, honour, respect etc. “Aham” i.e.,“I” word automatically precedes Vande pad. Hence, it automatically becomes“ Aham Vande” i.e., “I bow”. The meaning of “Aham Vande” becomes I payrespect-give honour, as stated above.
Now, after the words “AhamVande” any word can be added. For example- Aham Vande Pitaram i.e., I give respect to my ancestors.
Aham Vande Bhraataha i.e., I giverespect to my brothers etc.
It should be kept in mind that words Aham and Vande are insingular number. Hence, when we say “Aham Vande Mataram”, it means I alone payrespect and give honour to my motherland.
Hence, when all the citizensthriving on the motherland, unitedly and with love recite Vande Mataram, thenin this way we all citizens individually pay our heartiest respect and honourtowards the motherland, who gives us shelter and bestows us with wealth, foodgrains, medicinal herbs, gold, silver, minerals etc.
In return, it becomes our selflessmoral duty to always remain alert for her protection which would be the realVandana (respect, honour). Is it not that in this way every Indian irrespectiveof caste, colour, creed, is doing the same and so he automatically fulfills theheartfelt requirement of saying Vande Mataram.
In Vedas, God states that at the time of beginning of non-sexualcreation, the earth (motherland) fulfills the role of mother by giving shelterand support to her sons and daughters, devoid of parents at that time andnourishes them with herbs, food grains and vegetation. Even at present theearth provides food, wealth, flowers-fruits, medicinal herbs, pure water etc.,bounties impartially to all sections of society including Hindus, Muslims etc.That is why, in Vedas, She is said to be equivalent to our mother because shedischarges her duties in the capacity of a mother.
At present, the parents who give birth to their children, themselves, along with children derive life from earth-motherland and survive on it.
The meaning of Hindi word- “Pooja” isalso paying respect, honour etc.
Now, if anybody, in the absence ofknowledge of Vedas, distorts the meaning of Pooja in anyway, then he is free todo so in a secular country.
But when we look towards our eternal and everlasting culture i.e., Vedasthen the meaning cannot be altered.
So, the eternal meaning of Vandewill ever remain unchanged.
To protect our motherland, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, i.e., all Indians, whenever the time has asked for sacrifices, theyhave not hesitated to surrender their lives, to serve the motherland.
Atharvaved mantra 12/1/12 alsoeducates us that Oh! men and women say (Bhoomihi Mata) i.e., earth is my mother(Aham Prithivyaha Putraha) I am the son of motherland.
Hence, “Putra” means he who removes all the difficulties of hismotherland, otherwise he is not a putra (son). So, God accepts only those assons who remove the difficulties-sorrows of motherland.
In the same Atharvaved mantra, Godeven states that cloud (Megh) is like our father for the reason, he gives usthe pure water to survive. Have we got any power to challenge this eternal andeverlasting truth made by God?
That is, No. However, it may be a separate issue whether eternal andeverlasting vedic preach emanates from God or not. The said matter may beproved by raising several debates of the learneds.
So, truly speaking that in theabsence of Vedic knowledge, we have become unable to judge that this land isour mother, as a result, instead of protecting her, her innocent sons anddaughters have been slaughtered with gunshots, bombardments etc., have brokenthe heart of motherland into several pieces.
More astonishingly, we see that through the bombardment by air, wateretc. and using missiles, nuclear and Hydrogen bombs on the heart of motherland,her heart has shattered into several pieces.
Are we able to give assurance to motherland that Oh! mother, do notweep, we shall shed our blood on your sweat to maintain unity and to wipe yourtears.
You see, vide Rigved mantra 10/18/10, our motherland gave us shelter inthe crucial time when we were born without parents, at the beginning ofnon-sexual creation. That is why, in the said mantra, God has made unchangeablefundamental law to accept earth as motherland of all human-beings.
This was the time when no present sects had come into being and due tothe influence of the vedic culture, not only human-beings but all living-beingsused to live in a united, peaceful and brotherly manner.
So, we will have to think deeply that God in Rigved states that rightfrom the beginning of the earth, i.e., in this earth from about One Arab,ninety six crore years ago, the earth is the motherland of all human-beings,which should be obeyed.
Now, whom do we blame that in the controversies between the sects,political fights between the politicians and the public, where the knowledge ofVedas has been made to disappear.
Even after dividing the heart of motherland into two parts, the selfishpeople were not satisfied but have been trying to hurt humanity, unity,brotherhood, peace, causing riots, fighting over petty issues and in this wayare laying down more explosions on the heart of motherland to divide her intoseveral pieces.
The above quoted Rigved mantra states-
(Bhoomim Mataram….) i.e., Oh! Soul, totake birth [without parents], obtain the shelter of motherland, who manifestsseveral kinds of living beings in the nonsexual creation, under theadministration of God. You see, at that crucial time, in the absence ofparents, only the motherland holds the living beings on her surface and nursesthen with her vegetation, herbs etc.
So, at that time, in the form of mother only the land exists.
In the next mantra God preaches thatwhen the soul takes shelter of land as if he has entered the womb of motherthen the upper layer of earth becomes soft / porous and rises up so that thebody of soul grows up easily on the surface of the motherland.
Thereafter the earth nurses them withvegetation, flowers, fruits, food crops etc. [At that time there were noparents, creation being non-sexual.] So motherland performs the role of amother. And at that time, the said creation is born young and innumerableliving beings take the shelter of motherland.
That is why, in non-sexual creation the God has Himself declared this pious land as mother of all living beings.
So, in freedom struggle all brothers and sisters gave the slogan ofVande Mataram as a symbol of unity. As a result, we got freedom from Britishrule.
In view of the above if at present anyone does not want to recite VandeMataram, then it is his own discretion. So, people should know the eternaltruth first, its form, meaning and the idea and when such eternal truth will betaught to the citizens with love and affection then sure it would generatetruth and brotherhood, which is the need of hour.