Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 16: As many as 543 students from Jammu and Kashmir of the 2022 batch have bagged top offers from multinational companies like Google, Dell Technology, Wipro, Microsoft, IBM and Amazon, while as many as 79 students have got multiple job offers. Of these, 413 are Engineering students while 49 are students of MBA, while rest are passed out in other courses.”
This was informed by Dr RS Bawa, Pro-Chancellor, Chandigarh University while addressing a press conference organized here to launch CUCET-2022, the National Level Entrance-cum-Scholarship test of the Varsity, with scholarships worth Rs 45 crore on offer.
He shared that Vanshaj Sharma of Sanjay Nagar, studying under Computer Science Engineering in the university, has received placement offers from 5 companies. Apart from this, Naman Jain from Talab Tillo, again a student of CSE, has been given offers by 4 companies while Angad Sharma from Nanak Nagar bagged job offers from 4 companies.
“As many as 114 start-up’s have been established by young entrepreneurs of the University in the last few years and it is a matter of pride that 16 out of these have been set up by the students of J&K, making for almost 15% of all start-up’s,” he said.
He said that the students and the faculty of the Chandigarh University have filed 1300 patents in the fields of Engineering, IT, Sciences and Health Care during the last 4 years, the highest by one single institution in past three years. “Out of these, 26 patents have been filed by students from Jammu and Kashmir. A special budget of Rs 12 crore has been reserved this year to encourage students towards research,” he said, adding that the University has over 30 state-of-art Research Centers, 20 laboratories under industry collaboration, more than 60 research groups and more than 800 research scholars who are presenting innovative solutions.
Earlier, Dr Bawa launched CUCET-2022, the National Level Entrance cum Scholarship test of Chandigarh University. He said the students can register for entrance exam-cum-scholarship through online portal https://cucet.cuchd.in.