5th Voters’ Day observed across State

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Jan 25: Like other parts of the country the 5th Voters Day was celebrated across the State today and in this connection functions were organized at district and tehsil headquarters all over J&K.
At Samba, the Day was celebrated at DC office complex, Nandni Hills Samba.
On the occasion, a rally was also organized by District Administration which was attended by District and Block Level Officers, general public especially students who were carrying placards with slogans like “Proud to be a Voter”. The rally started from Govt. Degree College, Samba and culminated at DC office complex, Nandni Hills, Samba.
District Development Commissioner, Samba, Mubarak Singh while speaking on the occasion impressed upon the voters to ensure greater participation in the elections for strengthening democracy in the country.
At Kathua, the National Voters Day was celebrated across the District with great enthusiasm and a programme was organized at District Headquarters Kathua. Additional Deputy Commissioner Kathua Prasanna Ramaswamy G presided over the function. Tehsildar and BLO’s of Kathua Assembly Constituency were also present.
On the occasion, EPICs were distributed among the newly enrolled voters besides a pledge taking ceremony was also held.
At Bani, the main function was held at Government Girls Higher Secondary School Bani, SDM Bani M.A Bandey presided over the function.
At Poonch, to commemorate the foundation day of the Election Commission of India and to encourage more young voters to take part in the democratic process, 5th National Voters’ Day (NVD) 2015 was celebrated at an impressive programme at GDC Poonch here today.
District administration organized a seminar in Government Degree College Poonch.
Speaking on the occasion, DEO, M. H. Malik highlighted the importance of right to franchise and appealed all to ensure strengthening of this vital constitutional right.
NVD was also celebrated at the Booth Level across the District where the concerned BLOs distributed Form-6 to the prospective voters.
At Reasi, the 5th National Voters Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm. The District Election Officer (DC) Reasi Shabir Ahmad Bhatt was the chief guest on the occasion.
Speaking on the occasion, the DEO highlighted the importance of the day and said that the Election Commission’s objective behind celebration of National Voters’ Day is to increase enrolment of voters, especially of the newly eligible ones, by using this occasion to make universal adult suffrage a complete reality, and thereby enhancing the quality of Indian democracy.
At Ramban, the National Voters Day was celebrated today with full fervour by the district administration.
The function commenced with a rally of students which started from GHSS Ramban and passed through main market and culminated at Dak Bangalow Ramban. District Development Commissioner, Ramban, Farooq Shah Bukhari was present on the occasion.
On this occasion Form 6 was distributed among the young people who had attained the age of 18 years as on January 1, 2015.
District administration Rajouri celebrated the 5th Voters Day with the theme “Easy Registration, Easy Correction’ under the guidance of District Election Officer, Rajouri Jitendra Kumar Singh. Among others Additional DC, Salim Malik, Assistant Commissioner, (REV), S S Sambyal and other senior officers of civil administration were also present on the occasion.
To encourage more young voters to take part in the electoral process the 5th National Voters Day was celebrated in Town Hall Doda. On the occasion a rally by the district officers, BLOs, students, prominent citizens etc was taken out from DC Office Complex Doda to Town Hall. The participants carrying pla-cards, banners, pamphlets, posters were appealing the young voters to register themselves as a voter and participate in electoral process.
Addressing the gathering at Town Hall Deputy Commissioner, Shyam Vinod Meena who is also the District Election Officer said that new voters who have attained age of 18 years are showing less interest in getting enrolled as voters. He said EC of India has decided to take up this vigorous exercise of identifying all eligible voters attaining age of 18 years as on January first every year ad such eligible voters will be enrolled on time and will be handed over EPICs on January 25 every year.
To make people aware about the democratic traditions of the country and also encourage larger number of voters to participate in poll process, the District administration Kishtwar in collaboration with Army and District Information Centre Kishtwar today celebrated the 5th Voters Day at Government Boys HSS Kishtwar.
District Electoral Officer Kishtwar Mohammed Javed Khan in his address thanked the stakeholders for successfully conducting the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in the State. The welcome address was made by Riaz Ahmed Bhat, Nodal Officer, SVEEP. The Tehsildar Kishtwar, Phulail Singh threw light on the importance of the Day. The audience was also addressed by Superintendent Kishtwar Yougal Manhas.
To mark the celebrations of the 5th National Voters Day, a function was held in the premises of Government Higher Secondary School Ramnagar today where in the Electoral Registration Officer, 62 Ramnagar Deep Raj who is also SDM Basantgarh was the chief guest while Dhirender Sharma, SDM Ramnagar was the guest of honour.
On this occasion a debate competition was held wherein students of Government Degree College, Ramnagar and Government Higher Secondary School Ramnagar participated.
The 5th National voters Day was celebrated in Sub Division Ghagwal. A rally was organized on the occasion which was flagged off by S Charanjeet Singh SDM Ghagwal who was the chief guest.
Fifth National Voters Day was observed at DC Conference Hall Leh. Deputy Commissioner/ District Election Officer, Leh Hassan Khan was the chief guest on the occasion. Mentioning about this year’s theme of `Easy Registration and Easy Correction’, he talked about the importance of the Day and highlighted the importance of the voting right in the country.
The National Voters Day was also observed at Mendhar where the electors drawn from different blocks of tehsil participated in the function.
SDM Mendhar Ramesh Kumar was the chief guest on the occasion who in his address impressed upon the voters of the greater participation in the elections for strengthening democracy in the State.
National Voters Day was also observed at tehsil Complex Bhalwal.
A large number of people VLOs, Sarpanchs, Panchs, prominent persons and a large number of people were also present on the occasion.
The function was presided over by Tehsildar Bhalwal, Farooq Khan while ACR Jammu Thakur Sher Singh was the chief guest. Election incharge Rajni Bhalla was also present on the occasion and EPIC Cards were distributed among the voters on the spot. The speakers also highlighted the significance of the Day.
The 5th Voters Day was also observed in Government Higher Secondary School Durang, Tehsil Billawar. A debate on the topic of voters importance was held and the NCC cadets of the School under the command of NCC Officer, Mulkh Raj Sharma took active part to make the function a success.
National Voters Day was celebrated at District Headquarters Udhampur in the premises of Govt degree college (Boys) Udhampur here today .
The District Election Officer (Deputy Commissioner), Udhampur, Yasha Mudgal was the chief guest on the occasion, who highlighted the importance of the day. She said that the objective of this day was to aware the general masses to increase the enrollment of voters so that maximum number of voters could participate in the electoral process for making stronger democracy.
The District Election Officer also administered a pledge to all the participants to up hold the dignity of elections and Vote in the elections without any fear and inducement or influence.
On the occasion, District Election Officer handed over EPICs among number of electors registered in the electoral rolls for the first time.
A function was organized at SKICC, Srinagar in this connection by District Election Office, Srinagar.
Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Rohit Kansal was the chief guest on the occasion.
The Div Com emphasized the significance of National Voters Day, which empowers the people attaining the specific age of 18 years and get registered as electorate to exercise their franchise and said that the day is special for the newly registered voters who can use their right to vote.
Highlighting the importance of ballot in a democratic set up, Mr. Kansal stressed for ensuring transparent, accountable and good governance to serve the people. He said that Lok Sabha and Assembly elections were conducted smoothly in which the new voters have participated in large numbers.
On this occasion, 8971 new Election Photo Identity Cards (EPICs) were distributed among newly registered voters.
At Baramulla, National Voters Day was celebrated with full zeal and enthusiasm. In this regard, various functions were organised throughout the district at Sub-District and Tehsil levels. Election Cards were distributed among the newly registered electorates. On the occasion, importance of franchise during the democratic set up was highlighted by the Officers.
The District Election Officer, Baramulla, Dr. Farooq Ahmad Lone informed that the motive of the National Voters Day is to ensure greater Public participation in democratic process.
At Budgam, 5th National Voters Day was celebrated throughout the district in order to strengthen the process of election by maximum participation of electorate.
District Election Officer Budgam informed that 15019 new voters have been enrolled during Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls and continuous Updation of Electoral Roll is being carried out in the district.
The District Election Officer said that 14,082 EPIC cards were distributed in the district on the National Voters Day.
Nodal Officer Elections Additional Deputy Commissioner Budgam, Chief Education Officer (Nodal Officer SVEEP), Tehsildar Budgam, NYK Coordinator, concerned officers and officials were present on the occasion.
At Kulgam, the 5th National Voters Day was celebrated in Town Hall Kulgam and other Tehsil Headquarters. The District Election Officer, Kulgam presided over the function at district Headquarters, in which large number of voters, booth level officers, district officers and prominent citizens of the district participated.
At Anantnag, in connection with 5th National Voters Day, a function was organized at Town Hall Anantnag wherein the Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Anantnag participated as chief guest and distributed 3,600 EPICs among the newly voters who attained the age of 18 years as on January 01, 2014 were provided EPICs.
Meanwhile, 5th National Voters Day was also observed in the districts of Ganderbal, Shopian, Pulwama, Kupwara and Bandipora where the newly registered voters participated and EPICs were distributed among them.