Agitating Anganwari workers

This  has reference to the news item ‘Anganwari workers’ protest disrupts vehicular traffic for several hours’ DE Apr 24.
It is very dismaying that Anganwari workers have to come on streets to make the Government hear their woes. These employees are a neglected  lot and Government does not bother to redress their grievance. Even after performing their duty, they do not get salary on time. They have, at times, to wait for five to six months to get their dues. One wonders how shall carry on with day to day responsibilities without salary. Right from inception, the employees of this sector have been maltreated by the Government. In order to bring some esteem to this sector, the Government must fulfill the demands highlighted by the agitating Anganwari workers. It is quite disgusting to see these workers agitating in hot summer on Jammu roads.
Hope the Government heeds to their cries without making them suffer more.
Yours etc…
