7 yrs on, people await completion of hospital building in Shopian

Under construction building of Shopian hospital. -Excelsior/Younis Khaliq
Under construction building of Shopian hospital. -Excelsior/Younis Khaliq

Suhail Bhat
SHOPIAN, May 24: For last 17 years, people in South Kashmir’s Shopian district are awaiting the completion of construction work on a new 100-bedded building block after the old one was found insufficient to cater to the huge patient inflow but paucity of funds and an alleged political indifference has rendered the whole process ineffective.
The locals of the area said nearly seven years have passed since the Government announced the much-needed up gradation of health center into District Hospital but a lack of quality infrastructure has put the whole initiative in tatters. “The whole upgradation was a cruel joke. Apart from the nameplate of the hospital, nothing has changed,” Sabeel Ahmad, a local, said.
He further said that Government’s failure to complete the construction work within stipulated time has irked the locals, who feel administration was indifferent towards the problem they face in availing the health services. “The gaps in the implementation of the program are visible but none is ready to accept the failure,” the locals said.
They said in 2012, the locals of the area filed a complaint with the Chief Minister’s grievance cell but it was kept unheard.  “We are unable to fathom reasons behind this political indifference. After filing the complaint, we immediately received the acknowledgment and a complaint number, 60321. The grievance cell is for namesake. We are unable to fathom reasons behind this political indifference,” added the locals.
An official at Jammu and Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation (JKPCC) said soon after the health center was upgraded, a new building was sanctioned which was supposed to be built with a total project cost of nearly Rs 23.65 crores.  In 2010, the construction work was started but construction lost pace due to the paucity of funds, he said.
Ghulam Hassan Dar, who is Deputy General Manager of JKPCC when contacted, said: “Despite delayed release of funds, we completed the two floors of the building and have asked the hospital authorities to use the services. We have received only 50% of the funds. For 50% funds, we were supposed to complete the two floors but we have completed most of the construction work on the third floor so that people don’t have to suffer more.”
He further said that construction work is underway and the pending work will be completed within stipulated time.
Medical Superintendent District Hospital Shopian, Nazir Ahmad, when contacted, said the building is still incomplete and they have only started the OPD services. “We have only started OPD services but two floors are still incomplete. The third and fourth floor is still incomplete. The hospital is yet to serve any purpose,” he said.