70 years of Independence

On 15th August 2016, the country entered the 70th year of independence from colonial rule. On this day in 1947, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first Prime Minister for free India had unfurled the tricolor on the ramparts of historic Red Fort in Delhi in presence of Ambassadors of foreign countries, dignitaries, distinguished guests, military top brass, top echelons of national leadership and vast multitudes of the historic city of Delhi. He made historic announcement that free India would be a democratic, secular and egalitarian republic where all citizens would be equal before the law and enjoying equal rights.
Those were historic words. Sixty-nine years have elapsed when that announcement was made. India remains a democratic, secular and egalitarian state. Today she is the largest democracy of the world. She is a beacon light to the countries and nations of the developing world that are struggling hard to tow the line of governance which India has upheld. Our march along the dotted lines has not been easy and without challenges. Many political observers within and outside  the country expressed reservations whether a country, virtually a sub-continent comprising so many faiths, languages, cultures and ideologies would be able to keep the course it had chosen for itself? History has belied their apprehensions; history has proved that India is capable of overcoming the challenges that are looking into her face. And in this challenge, India has emerged successful just because the path she has chosen is the path of righteousness as enshrined in the thoughts and words of our sages and saints.
India is a multi-party democracy. Some political pundits doubted whether because of diversity of views and ideologies multi-party system would succeed in India. But seven decades of our history tell us that multi-party system has been the strength of our democracy and that the fathers of Indian Constitution were gifted with unparalleled political vision. Credit goes to the masses of people in our country who realized that their survival depends on a strong, prosperous and just India and those objectives could be achieved only through strengthening the democratic process. History tells us that change of Governments in so many developing countries of the world has often been accompanied by bloodshed and catastrophe. People wonder how in a big country like India with world’s second largest population and with enormous diversities, change of Government takes place smoothly and peacefully. It enhances the prestige of our country when a ruling party losing in the election declares it defeat in public but commits to work in unison with the new Government for building the country and raising it to new heights. This is the strength and power of democracy with India has accepted for herself.
Addressing the nation from the ramparts of Red Fort of Delhi on the occasion of Independence Day, Prime Minister Modi reiterated the basics of the philosophy of governance which India has accepted from her Constitution and inherited from her great leaders. We have not wiped the tears from each moist eye; we have not removed the pain of each suffering poor. We have a long way to go. That is the truth. But the greater truth is that the nation is on the right track and in right hands. From an ordinary office goer to the highest official functionary in the country, everybody has to put in his and her share of contribution to the progress and prosperity of the nation. More than 60 percent of India’s population comprises the youth below 35 years of age. This is enormous human resource fund and can work wonders. The country is devising new and original schemes and plans of utilizing this immensely valuable potential for productive service. Its creative faculty needs to be sharpened by providing them adequate opportunities of exposure. By opening large number of technical and professional institutes in the length and breadth of the country, by providing excellent teaching faculties in these institutions and by giving full exposure to the creativity of the youth attending these institutions, India is heading towards the realization of the dream of becoming a world leader.
In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister said, “we are beset with many difficulties and challenges”. But then went on to say that we have the capability for meeting and overcoming these challenges. That is the truth about this great nation. For last nearly three decades, a new challenge to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country has emerged from a hitherto unknown quarter — terrorism. Terrorism has not descended from the neither; it is manipulated. It is the result of activating negative and destructive faculty often lying dormant in human nature. The human struggle is a struggle between the virtue and vice. Total elimination of vice will not happen. The vice or the evil appears and reappears not in one but in different ways. It has to be challenged and that is what India is engaged in. In the G-20 meet held this year in Turkey, Prime Minister Modi gave a call to the world community to unite against the terror looming on the head of humanity. He pleaded for unity among countries for a unified fight against terror. Whether world countries listened to him or not is not that important. What is important is to see how many attacks of terrorists happened in different parts of the world and how many innocent lives have been lost as a result of these attacks ever since PM Modi had made an appeal in Turkey. On her part, India is fighting the challenge whatever be the stance of the world powers just because India is committed to remain a peaceful country.
The Independence Day message of the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir assumes much importance. In view of on-going unrest in the State for last six weeks. It is a message of pain and hope; it is a message of wisdom and foresight. The Chief Minister has lamented that at a time when conditions were favourable for the State to take off on a massive programme of development and progress in all walks of life, when the State was poised for making a big breakthrough in industrialization and employment sectors, negative elements are disrupting peace and forcing halt on our march along the path of progress. Affirming that her Government was determined to carry the State forward along the path of economic progress, she subtly conveyed a message of the obstructionists to realize the futility of their designs. With enormous self-confidence she asserted that her Government will not be deterred by meaningless and substance-less detracting activities of anti-nationals. She has appealed to people for introspection and self assessment.