What makes using a landscaping service such a great option? It has to do with all the ways that they help make the grounds attractive and healthy. Are you aware of the little things that your local landscaping services Arkansas do for your lawn? Here are eight of the more common tasks that your service is providing right this minute.
- Setting a Schedule for Mowing the Lawn
Consistency is a big deal when it comes to basic lawn care. It isn’t just about ensuring the grounds always look properly manicured. There’s another important reason that your lawn service follows a specific schedule for mowing.
The focus is not on what you see but what’s underneath. Specifically, mowing according to a seasonal schedule helps to support proper root growth. Along with strengthening the roots, the mowing promotes spreading that results in a lawn that’s more uniform and lusher.
How often should the lawn be mowed each season? A general rule is to mow the lawn once a week during the summer. For the spring and the autumn, twice a month is sufficient. Keep in mind the schedule may need to be adjusted based on weather conditions. The team at your lawn service will know how to do that too.
- The Grass is Kept at the Ideal Height
If you see someone from the lawn service adjust the height of the mower wheels, that’s because it’s important to keep the grass at a certain height. The plan is to ensure that the grass is tall enough to provide adequate coverage while still avoiding a height that makes the grounds look a little ragged.
As a rule, grass that’s kept around two and a half inches in height is a good option. This is true for just about any type of grass that people use for their lawns.
- Sharp Mower Blades Only
Professionals who work with landscaping companies Conway understand the value of keeping the lawn equipment in top shape. That includes the blades found on all the mowers. Those blades will be sharpened on a regular basis.
Why is this important? Blades that are a little dull can’t trim the grass as effectively. The result is that the yard will not look as manicured as it would otherwise. Along with doing a better job with the lawn, a properly sharpened blade will last longer.
How sharp should the blade be? It doesn’t have to be sharpened to the point that it will be like using a razor on the lawn. Professionals will keep the blades sharp enough to provide an even cut, but not so sharp that running a finger lightly over the blade would draw blood.
- Water Enough but Not Too Much
Every lawn needs water to thrive. The question is how much water is right and how often the lawn should be watered. A lot depends on the season and how much rain has fallen recently.
In general, professionals with landscaping services Arkansas recommend less frequent watering while providing more of a soaking per round. Instead of coming out to water the lawn daily, it’s more likely that the service will have someone come out twice a week during most seasons. If the summer is unusually dry, there may be three visits to water your lawn.
- Proper Nutrition Means Healthy Growth
Watering is one of the things that the landscaper will do to help keep the lawn in great shape. You can also expect the service to fertilize the lawn from time to time. The goal is to replace any nutrients that the soil has depleted. Keep in mind that the type of fertilizer used will vary based on the grass itself and how the soil seems to be performing.
The timing matters when it comes to fertilizing. Generally, one to two rounds of fertilizing per year will be enough. The first round should take place just before the time of year when the grass seems to grow the most. That’s often late in the spring, since the fertilizer will help the grass remain healthy during the hot days of summer. Another round toward the end of the summer or into the early autumn may also be recommended.
- Using the Right Approach to Getting Rid of Weeds
The first sign of any weed is cause for taking action at once. Even if the weeds happen to have lovely blooms, the damage they’re doing to the lawn is significant. Along with using nutrients that your grass needs, the weeds can also proliferate and gradually take over the lawn. That’s one of the reasons why your expert in lawn maintenance Conway wastes no time in getting rid of those dandelions and other invaders that sprout up.
Expect the landscaper to do more than simply mow over those weeds. The roots need to be removed as well. This will mean spending some time extracting the entire weed before moving on to the next one. As a precaution, the expert will also treat the lawn as a way to prevent more weeds from developing. Keep in mind that a professional knows what can be used to keep the weeds at bay while avoiding damage to the grass.
- Aerating the Lawn is a Must
Aerating the lawn is a process that helps to break up packed earth. That’s important since nutrients can get into the soil easier. You may notice your landscaper using equipment that seems to pierce the ground while not causing any damage to the grass. At times, experts may use cleats as well as other equipment to help break up impacted sections of earth.
- Save the Cuttings for Composting
If your lawn and garden professional asks if you want to keep the grass cuttings, don’t think that it’s odd. In many cases, professionals use the cuttings as part of compost. That compost can be used to add nutrients to flower beds and to gardens. If you happen to have flowers bordering the home or in beds around the grounds, the expert may be doing you a big favor by recommending the use of those grass cuttings.
There are plenty of other things that a lawn and garden expert is probably doing for your lawn right this minute. Pay close attention and you may come to appreciate how much hard work goes into keeping the grass looking so healthy and lush.