March 04-03-2013

Aries : You are a touchy one. People will rub you the wrong way today. But remember that getting needlessly annoyed will bring nothing but more complications. Contemplate in seclusion about the root cause of the problem. Ganesha’s hint? It is closer than you imagine.
Taurus : Your enthusiasm will be as contagious as your smile today, predicts Ganesha. People will stand charmed by your high spirits. There will be stressful moments, but things will look up later in the day. Take some time off if things get too hectic for you.
Gemini : Today, you are likely to be rather emotional and sentimental, says Ganesha. Your love for performing arts may make you take up lessons in classical music or traditional dance. And much to your delight, your sweetheart will treat you to a surprise candlelit dinner.
Cancer : You are likely start the day in the best of spirits today. Your enthusiasm and cheerfulness will be infectious, and you will be able to lift the mood wherever you go. However, your enthusiasm can be short-lived and pummelled under the weight of some bad news, leaving you distraught. Take a break in case you feel stressed out, advises Ganesha. Things are likely to look up by the time the day ends.
Leo : Talk of being busy! It seems like today, you shall take the cake, and perhaps, be the icing on it as well, says Ganesha. It is likely that the day is going to be very hectic for you in terms of work and business. You may be engaged in official conversations and dealings. Also, don’t be surprised to find yourself in meetings as you attempt to take stock of your business situation. After such a long and tiring day, it is only normal for you to unwind later in the evening with your sweetheart, feels Ganesha.
Virgo : You will spend most of today in the company of family and friends, says Ganesha. Students may focus on upcoming examinations and will learn to balance study and leisure time, in equal measure. It is a good day to buy real estate. Overall, a day to lie low and let your mind run free in its pursuit of pleasure.
Libra : Today is the day when you seem to agree with everything that people say, without striking even a note of criticism. It’s just one of those days when you are amazed by all things around you. Such an elastic approach will enable you to be reasonable in your views and sensible in your ways. Ganesha wishes you the very best.
Scorpio : It may have been on the cards for long and finally, you may end up buying a state-of-the-art motor vehicle or a palatial house of your dreams today. In addition, your generous mood may also egg you on to buy an expensive gift for your life partner. If you do not let the generosity burn a hole through your pocket, you may have an overall satisfying day, says Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Round and round they tumble, the wheels of life, smoothly gliding into a routine. You may spend your day in discontent due to the rut of regular activities. Sadly, there is little hope or adventure Ganesha foresees that might make this day worthwhile for you. There will be glimpses of excitement in the evening but on the whole, it will be nothing to write home about.
Capricorn : The day calls for making amends and undoing the damage done to relationships, so you will most likely focus on improving rapport with relatives and peers, says Ganesha. But despite your affable approach, family feud may occur. Keeping obnoxious neighbours at bay will save you some trouble.
Aquarius : You may fall in love today! If single, romance colours your day with a rainbow. If married, you may enjoy a quiet but romantic evening with your spouse. Ganesha says that if nothing else, it’s a good time to pour over your photo albums and float in nostalgia.
Pisces : You will be treading new ground at work. Exciting as that sounds, it merely means you will have to do a lot of travelling today. You will also find yourself swamped with drafting new business proposals, holding meetings, or otherwise networking over the phone. On the brighter side, your travels are unlikely to involve the cramps of flying economy class, says Ganesha.