85% users access YouTube on mobile phones

MUMBAI: Search engine giant Google’s video platform YouTube on Tuesday said as much as 85 percent of its users now access the platform on their mobile phones in the country, up from 73 percent last year.

The video platform has a monthly active user-base to 265 million now in the country (as of January 2019), up from 225 million last year. The platform entered the country just 11 years ago.

“With 265 million active users, India is now our biggest audience and one of our fastest growing markets in the

world. Today we are the first-stop content consumption, be it for entertainment or information. It’s this variety of

content, combined with the growing reach that makes us a perfect platform for brands to drive personalised engagement,” YouTube global chief executive Susan Wojcicki told the annual YouTube event Brandcast India.

At 265 million monthly active users, YouTube is much ahead of the GEC genre as whole.

She said in the past one year alone, YouTube consumption on the mobile has increased to 85 percent, with 60

percent of watch-time coming in from outside of the six large metros. Mobile consumption was around 73 percent last year.

“Today over there are 1,200 Indian creators who have over 1 million subscribers. Just five years ago, only two

creators had 1 million subscribers,” Wojcicki added. (AGENCIES)