9 renowned doctors of India conduct free medical check-up

A patient being treated by the specialist doctor during the camp in a village of Machil sector.
A patient being treated by the specialist doctor during the camp in a village of Machil sector.

Excelsior Correspondent

KUPWARA, Nov 24: Nine renowned doctors of India visited remote border areas of Machil sector and conducted free medical check up as well as participated in Aarogya Sevika and Sevak Training which started on November-19, here under the aegis of Indian Army.
The camp was arranged and coordinated by Dr Leelashankar from CM Taskforce Chennai, who is a veteran disaster relief and social activity coordinator with the Aarogya Sevika program under one of the Central Government Developmental Projects.
The medical group was divided into three teams including Ortho team, headed by Capt Dr Nedunchezhian, a Professor and Surgeon from the Madras Medical College with his team of assistants, while 2nd team was headed by Dr Saravanan, Additional Chief Health Director from Railway Hospital along with his group and the 3rd team consisted of Dr Ashraf, Duty Medical Officer Kilpauk Government Medical College with his medical assistants including Dr AV Avinash- a paediatrician, Dr Jancy Koneti from Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences Hyderabad and intern Luihithashmi from Govt Medical College, Chengalpet.
In the program, the participants were imparted training on topics ranging from basic healthcare to handling medical emergencies, including field level first aid training to a group of 50 young girls and boys at two locations from various villages of Maachal Sector.
During the camp various common illnesses and disorders were treated by the specialists and few serious cases were also identified and referred for further treatment, besides the doctors also visited the villages and interacted with the locals and provided both training and on the spot treatment with medication.
A total of 1200 locals from Maachal, Dudi, Dappal and Katwar villages benefited directly from this camp and were happy to receive such selfless medical service.