
                                   Thursday April18-04-2013
Aries : You have ideas aplenty! And you want to roll them out to anyone who will hear
them. You are also in a mood to love and give. Are you thinking of taking your
grandmother to the beauty parlour for a makeover? Ganesha approves.
Taurus : You will want to be in control today and this could lead to verbal skirmish and
resentment, says Ganesha. Some task might baffle you enough to drive you to your wit’s
end this afternoon. It would be best to sit together and thrash out individual differences in
the larger interest of the family, suggests Ganesha.
Gemini : Emotionally, this will be a delightful day; professionally, it will be a successful521
day; and personally, it will be a beautiful day. A very good day, indeed! If you haven’t
already, get ready to tie the proverbial nuptial knot.
Cancer : Today, you will feel blessed. And blessed you are, indeed. You will have the
proverbial Midas touch, albeit with a slight difference: you will not touch the people you
love and turn them to gold. You will just touch their heart and make them happier.
Leo : The last you remember your soul mate was not a cross between Marquis de Sade
and a Chinese politician, so it might be a little unnerving for you to come to terms with the
authoritarian and dominating side of your partner, says Ganesha. Just remember that
feeling offended is not the solution; what is really required is that you thrash out your
individual differences for the sake of the larger interests of your family. Also, workplace
pressure takes its toll on you and puts you at your wits’ end. Time to call in for some
reinforcements, suggests Ganesha.
Virgo : Share thoughts, concepts and ideas with people. You may get new perspectives,
says Ganesha. Don’t let any opportunity pass to make your loved one feel special.
Ganesha predicts you might seek the counsel of friends on professional and ethical
Libra : Ganeshaís got a feeling that today is going to be a good day for you, as you go
ahead and indulge yourself and the ones around you. Chances are that you may shop till
you drop, and spend a sizeable amount buying goodies for your loved ones later in the
evening. In matters of business, Ganesha foresees you displaying your maturity, and
setting an example for others in the team.
Scorpio : Self-improvement is on your mind today. Self-employed people should expect
good profits in business. Expenditure may be more at work today. At the end of the day,
the cocktail of work and family will be a heady, pleasing mixture, says Ganesha.
Sagittarius : Investments for the future, especially for your children, should be made
today, advises Ganesha. Work extra hard to clear up tasks you have been putting off for
sometime now. Romance is stirring, so take a break from your usual routing to enjoy its
sweet smell.
Capricorn : Various issues may perturb you, making you feel like it may not be a very
fulfilling day. But at work, fortune will be biased towards you and will bring all the luck you
need to excel in the work you may have undertaken, says Ganesha. Incidentally,
sentiments may hamper your ability to take rational decisions, while high expectations of
the loved ones will burden you with tremendous pressure.
Aquarius : Time is money, and you need to understand it fast! Scrap your old schedules
and plan new ones that work. Ganesha suggests that the good old planner will work
wonders in organising your work. Remember the old adage? A stitch in time saves nine.
So get going.
Pisces : Your emotions are likely to rule you today. Expenses, which will cause you to dip
into your savings, are indicated. Evening should see you build up an amazing connection
with a special someone, says Ganesha.