Inner Voice


We had locked ourselves down to save lives.
Now there is a choice to make between life and livelihood.
The ultimate sufferer is man.
He may die without a livelihood and may also die of CORONA.
And man has chosen to prevent both life and livelihood.
Corona hereafter is part and parcel of life
Get straight in your mind my dear friends
Learn to live with corona now.
Take full precautions
And carry on non stop.
Maintain social distancing and forget not to wear your face mask.
Those who stop due to corona pandemic
Shall finish once for all.
Those who don’t move and just stop
Will invite a lot distraught,
will get no help from the Lord
And are for ever gone.
Those who move on
Will make their fortune shine.
Remember make hay while the sun shines
Let bygone be bygone
So please move on
Take full precautions and carry on
Complacent never and non complacent for ever.
Learn to live with corona
Take full precautions and carry on
Wanna do
Gonna do it
Corona is persona non grata
Learn to live with it gotta
All the benefits no ghata
Safety precautions must DADA

Col Parmjit (Retd)
Sainik Colony

Meaning of Life

The Years have passed by,
In the blink of an eye,
Moments of sadness,
And joy have flown by.
People I loved,
Have come and have gone,
But the world never stopped,
And we all carried on.
Life wasn’t easy,
And the struggles were there,
Filled with times that it mattered,
Times I just didn’t care.
I stood on my own,
And I still found my way,
Through some nights filled with tears,
And the dawn of new days.
And now with old age,
It’s become very clear,
Things I once found important,
Were not why I was here.
And how many things,
That I managed to buy,
Were never what made me,
Feel better inside.
And the worries and fears,
That plagued me each day,
In the end of it all,
Would just fade away.
But how much I reached out,
To others when needed,
Would be the true measure,
Of how I succeeded.
And how much I shared,
Of my soul and my heart,
Would ultimately be,
What set me apart.
And what’s really important,
Is my opinion of me,
And whether or not,
I’m the best I can be.
And how much more kindness,
And love I can show,
Before the Lord tells me,
It’s my time to go.

Rittu Vishu

Nature’s blessings

Let’s acknowledge the gifts we have been given,
Those countless blessings god has bestowed on us from heaven,
From the welcome warmth of the rising sun,
The lovely sight of kids having so much fun,
The chirping of birds early in the morning,
Blooming of flowers on the arrival of spring,
Sparkling of grass with morning dew,
The silver-white clouds hung in sky above blue,
Ripening of crops under the feeble sunlight,
Twinkling of numerous stars during night,
The mesmerizing beauty of
snow-capped mountains,
The pleasant earthy scent of the soil after rains,
The sound of crashing waves at the shore,
Those lush green meadows attracting more,
A cool breeze blowing through the trees,
Hovering of wasps and buzzing of bees,
Those dense forests with flowing streams,
A perfect view I imagined in my dreams,
This wondrous view gives me a feeling of glee,
And it doesn’t stop as far as I can see.

Tarandeep Singh (Teacher)
Singhpura, Miran Sahib