inner voice



Brothers reach with joy and love
The sisters wait with a pious thread
To tie the wrists of brothers and spread
The message of trust and messages of bond
Which no force can break, being strong
Sisters wish lives of brothers full of warmth
And expect to be cared till their last breath
Come let us celebrate this year’s occasion
To generate peace and trust among fellowmen
Spread the message of brotherhood in the universe
So that we transform minds of fanatics into lovers
HIRA will consider his life undone
If sisters are late on Raksha Bhandan
Hira Lal Bhat




The pandemic is unfurling like a wildfire,
And the need for vaccine is Dire.
The urge to go outside is deranged,
make sure your intimacy is not exchanged.
Take a vow to stay at home,and don’t roam.
Try to stay in a positive mood,
while having a hale Home-cooked food.
As the jinxed Corona is outside giving the tough fight,
Not fathoming the pauper’s plight .
Sanitizer’s, mask’s and glove’s are to be embraced for lifetime,
Meantime the pandemic now has become the story of bedtime.
Every other cough is an eerie,
Do not prejudice because every sufferer is a deary.
Together we can fight corona ,
For now isolation is the only way to halt corona.
stay isolated!
Raise immunity !
Manisha Charak
(Student, Jammu University)


Moving On

In today’s distressing times
When most of the things seem standstill
People are facing depression, anxiety and discouraged
And are losing their will
But tough times will never last forever
These dark nights will fade soon
Why don’t you utilise this time
To see the morning sunshine
Clouds and dark nights will vanish soon
Channelize the things properly
Find out the purpose of your life
Work towards your destiny in a particular direction
Only you have the power of self-examination
Set clearly defined personal, professional and spiritual goals
Courageously act on them and play your best role
Moving on will lead to find your destination
Simplify your life and provide you inner satisfaction.