Aug 5 unfortunate event in J&K history: Monga

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 3: While terming the August 5, 2019 as the most unfortunate event in the history of Jammu and Kashmir and Indian democracy, J&K Pradesh Congress Committee ((JKPCC) vice president G N Monga today said one year down the line the region has been pushed into a quagmire by the BJP Government.
In a statement issued here today, Monga said the unilateral, illegal and unconstitutional decision taken by the Central Government last year on August 5 has not been accepted by the people of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh, notwithstanding the claims of the BJP.
“The unilateral, brazen and undemocratic manner in which Article 370 of the Constitution was abrogated and Jammu and Kashmir dismembered by misinterpreting the provisions of the Constitution is deplorable. Every principle of Constitutional law, states’ rights, Parliamentary procedure and democratic governance was violated on August 5 last year,” Monga observed.
He said to hoodwink the public, the BJP leadership had claimed that revocation of special status of J&K under Article 370 will not only end violence in Kashmir, but bring development, investment and jobs to the region.
“One year has passed since then, neither the violence has ended, nor development has come. Infact, if we see the figures, the violence, including ceasefire violations, killings of security forces personnel, militants and civilians continue unabated. There is a developmental freeze in Kashmir and all the political activities have come to a standstill. The restrictions in the form of clampdowns, and slow internet speed have only crippled the already fragile economy of Kashmir further,” the Congress leader said.
“In August last year, the Government asked tourists and pilgrims to leave the region as soon as possible citing increased threat of terrorism. This was another lie and since then the Tourism industry in Kashmir has been shattered. Thousands of people have lost their livelihood,” he added.
In April this year, Monga said, the Centre passed new Domicile Law pertaining to J&K which will shrink job opportunities for residents of J&K further. “Unemployment in J&K has already touched the heights and whatever little avenues were available in the government sector has now been opened up for outsiders. Thousands of daily wagers and contractual employees in J&K are without wages for months and the bills of contractors worth hundreds of crores are pending. Developmental activities have totally come to a halt,” Monga added.