Police trying to decode invite language for rave party

MUMBAI, May 22: Two disc jockeys who played music at the rave party in suburban Juhu hotel were today called to police station for the second consecutive day for probe into the matter even as the investigators are trying to decode the language used in the invitation, police said.
“DJ brothers Romeo and Deepesh Sharma of Designer Hippies were today called to the station for the second day and their statement is being recorded,” a police officer at Juhu police station told.
As of now, the statements of five persons were recorded, the officer said but refused to divulge their names and other details.
Expressing suspicion on the language used in the invite, police are taking the help of various party organisers to decode the communication.
The invite which has been uploaded in Handa’s profile on a popular social networking site on May 14 read “Support the Music not the Drugs”.
The invite further mentions, “DESIGNER HIPPIES (United Beats Records, USA) ARE bringing the SUN “DOWN”. Lets rock this town- so get ready to get high. Please do not try to FLY. Because Flying is an illusion not a Reality, come with us and we’ll make you feel Gravity.”
“By using such language, the organiser tried to indicate the patrons about the availability of the drugs in the party?” asked the officer.
On May 20 night, police busted a rave party at Oakwood Premier hotel and rounded up 91 persons, including IPL players Wayne Parnell, Rahul Sharma and 19 foreign nationals.
The patrons were released in the wee hours next day after their blood and urine samples were taken for medical examination, police said.
Vishay Handa (31), director of the upscale Oakwood Premier hotel, was yesterday arrested under relevant sections of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, police said.
The investigators are also verifying the mails exchanged between patrons, DJs and staff of the hotel involved in organising the party. (PTI)