Gujjars demand separate share for STs

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 19: While celebrating the Reservation Day, the premier organization of Tribes, by   Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation pleaded for their special rights and extra constitutional safeguards in the State.
The speakers stated that community should unite under one banner and start a crusade for recognition of their identity and ideology in the State and fight vigorously to get tribal rights, adding that they were being suppressed by some anti-tribal forces in J&K since 1947 and were denied equal opportunity in society to grow up educationally.
Dr Javaid Rahi, Secretary Tribal Foundation said that  ‘Reservation’  granted  to Gujjar-Bakerwal Community in Jammu and Kashmir under Scheduled Tribe category 22 years back was not an aid or charity  to us but it was the right of our tribes.
He impressed upon the Community youth to chalk out a strategy to fight against poverty and illiteracy among Gujjar and Bakerwals and work for economic stability and food security for nomads.
The speakers pushed vigorously for bifurcation of their separate share of 8% out of a total of 10% reservation available to 12 ST groups.
A seven point resolution was unanimously adopted by the community members. The resolutions mooted included grant of Political Reservation to Gujjars-Bakerwals in State Assembly/Council and Parliament, inclusion of Gojri in the 8th Schedule of India, extension of Forest Right Act to J&K, rehabilitation of nomads, provide education to nomadic Gujjar children, provide adequate representation to Tribal Officers in State administration and Police as also bifurcation of 8% share of Gujjars andBakerwals in  ST.