MP dedicates Qazigund Post Office to public

Excelsior Correspondent

Member Parliament Mehboob Beg and Chief Postmaster General John Samuel inaugurating Post Office at Qazigund on Friday.

JAMMU, Apr 19: As a part of the initiatives being made by Department of Posts, Qazigund Project Arrow Post Office was dedicated to general public by Dr Mehboob Beg, Member of Parliament, Anantnag, in the presence of John Samuel, Chief Postmaster General, J&K Circle, here today.
This is the first such initiative during this year and 20 such Post Offices will be developed and dedicated to the public, said Chief Post Master General
During the inaugural function, while appreciating the efforts taken by Chief Post Master General in the upliftment of J&K postal circle on modern lines, Beg said that J&K Post has witnessed commendable improvement in the recent years under the leadership of John Samuel. Chief Post Master General, while speaking on the occasion said that in order to facilitate the people of Qazigund and nearby localities and the business establishments in Qazigund, the Post Office has been upgraded to fit into the needs of the people. The Post Office now can serve customers in a better way.
Samuel further said that 20 Post Offices are being upgraded and modernized with new facilities under ‘Project Arrow’, the Qazigund being the first in this year, adding that during the previous year also many Post Offices in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh region were upgraded and modernized to make Post Office customer friendly, but this year a large scale upgradation of Post Offices is taking place in Jammu and Kashmir.
He said that the other Post Offices are Bandipora, Ganderbal, Chadoora, Kashmir University, Karan Nagar, Verinag, Brein and Lal Chowk in Kashmir Region. The criteria for up-gradation of the selected Post Office is their High Business Growth during the last year.
Ab Manan Deva, Revenue Officer, Municipal Committee, Qazigund also spoke on the occasion.
Earlier, Amit Sharma, Director Finance, J&K presented the welcome address, while N D Prajapati, SSPO Srinagar Division later-on presented vote of thanks.