JMC presents DPR for controlling pollution in Tawi River

A team of JMC presenting DPR for controlling pollution in Tawi to UEED officers in Jammu on Monday.
A team of JMC presenting DPR for controlling pollution in Tawi to UEED officers in Jammu on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Aug 17: A team of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) including Mayor, Chander Mohan Gupta; Purnima Sharma, Deputy Mayor and Avny Lavasa, Commissioner JMC presented a Detail Project Report (DPR) to UEED officers for controlling pollution in Tawi River due to 13 major nallahas of the city falling into the river from Panjtirthi to Bhagwati Nagar.
The Mayor said that DPR amounting Rs. 43.49 crore is meant for augmenting the process of Clean Jammu & Green Jammu and under this project diversion of these nallahas to existing sewage treatment plant at Bhagwati Nagar will be done.
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He said that polythene, garbage, objectionable material etc shall not be allowed to pollute River Tawi after implementation of the project.
Technical concept of the project was presented by Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Superintending Engineer UEED who is pivotal in preparing the DPR along with Rajesh Charangoo, Assistant Executive Engineer (Technical) and Ashwani Seth, Executive Engineer UEED under the guidance of Dheeraj Gupta, Principal Secretary to Government Housing and Urban Development Department, Avny Lavasa Commissioner JMC and Ashwani Anand, Chief Engineer UEED.
Mayor further said that the project is a unique one where solid waste as well as sewerage flow during lean period (non-monsoon, non flood times) will be cleared from Trash Gates and interception Diversion Structures at outlets.