Cipher Decipher

                         SUNDAY, april 21, 2013

Hi Friends! We are back with your favourite column for the week. Please have a look at OUR MESSAGE  before you  send in your message to us.

1.    To all from Muneesha Kumar Behal: “ You may achieve little with faith but you can achieve nothing without it”.
2.    From Ruchika Gupta to all: “ The past cannot be changed, forgetten, edited or erased. It can only be accepted”.
3.     To all from Dr Poonam Nanda: “ Consistent efforts are the walls used to build a house of success”.
4.     From Monika Mishra to all: “ Inspiring poems learnt by heart become the marrow in our bones and makes our soul impervious”.
5.     To all from Sanjay Dhar : “ Let me not waste energy in questions or controversies. Let me light a few candles at the  altar of suffering, creations of God”.
6.     From Rishika Raina to all: “ Pay no attention to those who talk behind your back. It simply means  you are two steps ahead”
7.     To all from Dr Param Dev Singh: “ You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can’t have it”.
8.     From Rohini Kumar Gupta to all: “ If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, become more, you are a leader”.
9.     To all from Bhageshwar Sharma: “ Life is like a river which have many turns, so enjoy every turn because these turns never return”.
10.     From Mrs Sharda Gupta to all: “ It is not the mountain conquer but ourselves”.
11.     To all from K K Gupta : “ All that we are is the result of what we have thought”.
12.     From Rishab Raina to all: “ Obstacles in the pathways of the weak becomes stepping stones on the pathways of the strong ”.
13.     To all from Usha Raina: “ If things are happening according to your wishes, you are lucky, but if they are not are very lucky because they are happening according to God’s wish”