AAP slams Govt on JPC draft report on 2G scam

NEW DELHI, Apr 20: Arvind Kejriwal-led Aam Aadmi  Party (AAP) today slammed the Centre over Joint  Parliamentary Committee’s(JPC) draft report on 2G  spectrum scam and said there was an urgent need of an  independent Lokpal to investigate such cases.
The parliamentary panel probing the 2G scam has  reportedly blamed former Telecom minister A Raja for  spectrum allocation and gave a clean chit to Prime  Minister Manmohan Singh and Finance Minister P  Chidambaram in the matter.
“All in the UPA government, including the Prime  Minister and Mr Chidambaram had concurred and been  complicit with Mr Raja on this.
The complicity of Mr Chidambaram is obvious from his extraordinary urgent directions to an officer of the  Finance Ministry who had written to the DOT (Department  of Telecom) that spectrum price must be indexed (which  meant 3.5 times the 2001 prices), to retrieve and replace  his letter and allow the spectrum to be given at 2001  prices,” AAP said in a statement.
It said in fact Mr Raja could not have given spectrum  at 2001 prices ‘without the express consent’ of Mr  Chidambaram, since the government had constituted a  committee of these two persons to decide spectrum pricing.
AAP said the Prime Minister’s ‘complicity’ in what Mr  Raja did was ‘obvious’ from the contemporaneous notings  of the Prime Minister’s Office on this issue.
AAP alleged that the CBI too has been unable to  investigate the involvement of the Prime Minister and Mr Chidambaram in the 2G scam.
It said the CBI has also been ‘pressurised’ to ‘let  go of’ corporate bigwigs in the case.
“All this underlines the urgent need of an independent  Lokpal to investigate such cases. But those in control of  the government and Parliament realised that much of their  top leadership would be in jail if that were to happen.
That is why it is being resisted tooth and nail. The  ball is now in the court of the people to give them a  fitting reply in the next elections,” AAP said. (UNI)