Prayers, purity always Pays

Name of Book : Nityachar Ba Sandyopasana
(in Hinid)
Author : Ayodhya Nath Kerni
Publisher : Brahmin Sabha J&K (Regd), Hq Benisang (Chenani)

Rooted deep in our ancient scriptures, Ayodhya Nath Kerni has come out with a new publication titled: “Nityachar Ba Sandhyopasna” in Hindi giving detailed account of basic routines and everyday practices; the power of prayers as also the beneficial practices which form part of our spiritual heritage and also few of them based on scientific knowledge.
This useful book, published by the Brahman Sabha, J&K (Regd) Benisang in Chenani of Udhampur district, gives graphically the art of living techniques. The description of each and every daily routine practices vouches for healthful and harmonious living in tune with the mother nature. The author lays stress on sayings early to bed and early to rise, the benefits of daily exercise or yoga; cleanliness, daily bath in suitable way , simple but nutritious food as also strict adoption of suitable way of living.
Beneficial Book
The book contains special prayers for the variety of gods and goddesses for prompt benefits and spiritual uplift. The author, Mr Kerni has rendered a service by devoting his time and energy towards focussing on giving very useful tips for leading a spiritually and socially strong and stable life.
This 174-page book contains 55 chapters spelling out the art and craft of simple and spiritual life with sustainable health and happiness. The readers will be highly benefitted by going through this useful book of codes of life as also prayers devoted to various gods and goddresses for seeking their blessings and bounty. I strongly opine that maximum number of people, particularly the youth and students must read this book and adopt the ancient code of living advocated by the eminent writer Ayodya Nath Kerni.