Rape of five-year-old leaves me numb: Big B

NEW DELHI, Apr 20:
Expressing a feeling of shock and  outrage over the rape of a five-year-old girl in Delhi,  superstar Amitabh Bachchan has said people committing  such crimes should be meted out justice by exposing  them publicly.
“The horror of the latest crime of rape and then  attempt to kill a little girl, leaves me numb and  without voice! These evil beings are not fit to be  called animals… Even animals have certain codes of  conduct,” Mr Bachchan said in the latest post on  his blog.
‘What is happening to us as a society, a community?  Why and how are we succumbing to these atrocious and  ghastly acts. Who are these people and where do they  come from. Which mother gave birth to them, and how  were they brought up.
Keeping them bound and confined shall not change them  or their thinking. They need to be made examples of.  They need to be shamed first publicly and then left  to the public to deal them justice in which ever way  they seem fit,” the actor said.
Mr Bachchan said such incidents had led to a feeling  of insecurity in the country.
“We all are living in insecure times, where the fear of authority and the call of discipline and awareness is  non-existent. We live on love and fresh air. And we hope  that what befalls tragically on others, shall not befall  us.
There seems to be complete vacuousness in how the  situation needs to be dealt with. No one seems to have  solutions, or worse, preventions. We wait till a deed  happens and then get active on how to deal with the  situation. We have no mechanism to pre-empt a situation. Whether it be a rape or a terrorist attack,” the actor  said.(UNI)