Nexus of private ambulances and hospital staff

Should human misery and pain of the people seeking treatment for various ailments in our hospitals be an opportunity to indulge in corrupt and unethical practices as is usually noticed in the shape of a well organised nexus of some private ambulance operators and some staff members who are lacking the requisite integrity, to infuse a sense of dejection and despair in the incoming patients ostensibly with the treatment available so as to motivate them get shifted to some private hospitals in Punjab? We would term it simply as trading in and with human misery and exploiting for pecuniary gains their urge to get cured and that too fast.
What happens to such ”lured” patients and their attendants in such hospitals is another issue but the question is how can this trade go on unchecked to flourish to the detriment of the suffering patients? That money greedy people can be so hungry after making some quick bucks even during the dreaded corona-virus pandemic which keeps on engulfing people continuously without any break, is really surprising. Equally surprising is about the incapability of the Hospital administration in not getting this illegal and unethical trade stopped and sack those of the black sheep who from within, are hand in glove rather acting as conduits of ‘supply chain’. It equally should motivate the hospital administration to manage the hospital services especially in chaotic emergency wards professionally and ably. It may be recalled that it is this Emergency Ward which due to virtual mess and chaos, becomes breeding ground for such nexus to flourish.