Bansi Morh to Mandhera road in worst condition

Excelsior Correspondent
SAMBA, Aug 26: The common people are facing problems of water logging on the main road of Naran, Mandhera in the village Jatwal under Subdivision Ghagwal. Due to rain, the problem of water logging has compounded further on the main road of Mandhera and the road has been converted into a huge pond.
One feet of water was filled on the road, which has become a cause of trouble for the passers by. Due to water logging, the people are being forced to travel in knee deep water on this road. The main reason for water logging is that road does not have a drainage system due to the indifferent attitude of the administration. There is a lot of resentment among the locals
against the bad condition of road which has been turned into a pond now.
Local villagers said that neither the Government officials nor the public representatives are paying attention to such problems. The Department every year gets budget for lakhs of rupees for repairing roads but it seems that same is not spent any where while seeing the condition of roads.
Due to the negligence of the PWD, the road has turned into pits and ponds from Bansi morh. Due to the pits, the drivers and passers by are at high risk of life. The administration has been requested many times about this road problem. Despite this, water logging on the road is revealing the cleanliness drive of the district administration.